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Nathan Nuzum

Research Interests

Investigating the effects of an exercise intervention on the gut bacteria and mood in individuals with Major Depressive Disorder.

Nathan's project objectives are to: 

Understand how an exercise intervention effects measures of depression, negative biases and the gut microbiome in MDD, when compared to a control group of no intervention (usual care). 

Assess the relationships between the effects on the gut microbiome from the exercise intervention, and the changes in depressive symptoms, negative biases, and cognition in individuals with MDD. 

To determine the effects of an exercise intervention, on measures of immunity, inflammation, neurotransmitters and gut-microbially derived metabolites (i.e., short chain fatty acids) from blood and urine samples in individuals with MDD.  

His project will address the WHO's sustainable development goal 3, Good health and wellbeing, and specifically target 3.4 which aims to reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases, including depression. The current project will help achieve this goal by further understanding the mechanisms of additional therapeutic techniques for people with depression, aiding in a greater reduction in depression symptoms and achieving a larger precentage of remission, as currently, treatments are effective in only approx. 50% of people.



APC Microbiome Ireland, Biosciences Building, University College Cork, Ireland,
