Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for EU Integration and Citizens' Rights Launched by the Centre for European Integration, School of Law, UCC
On Wednesday 28th September, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence 'EU Integration and Citizens' Rights hosted its Kick-Off hybrid event. This Kick-Off event provided an opportunity to present the project plans to the wider public.
The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for EU Integration and Citizens' Rights (EUICR) explores how citizens’ effective activation of rights within the EU, its neighbourhood and through its global partnerships can ensure the EU’s future legitimacy. Co-funded by the EU, EUICR establishes interdisciplinary research in law, politics and economics exploring how the activation of citizens’ rights can enhance the EU’s legitimacy. The project comprises the EU, its neighbourhood and its global partnerships.
The Centre’s Kick-Off event was opened with an introduction from moderator Dr Paul Gillespie, which was followed by a welcome and overview presentation of the overall research concept from Professor Dagmar Schiek, the lead PI of the project, Jean Monnet ad personam Chair of 20 years standing and Synnott Family Chair in European Law at UCC.
Professor Schiek said:
'‘I am delighted to present our research programme … the aim of our project is to restate the connection between the citizens and the EU through rights. We make the case for an interdisciplinary approach to understand citizens’ rights, drawing on sociological and political science concepts, as well as considering the normative perspective.''
Presentations on the various Work Packages were conducted by Professor Andrew Cottey, Dr Luigi Lonardo, Dr Stephen Coutts, Professor Dagmar Schiek and Dr Mary C Murphy, and an overview of upcoming events was given by Aoife Guinee.
The event concluded with a Q&A and further discussion on the project.
The Kick-Off event was followed by the centre's first Seminar later that evening, entitled “EU Constitutionalism, Rights and Right-Wing Populism”.
The project will run for three years and will host a series of 12 events –details of events can be found here: News and Events | University College Cork (
Watch a recording of our Kick-Off Event here: