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Upcoming Event: Experiencing Human Rights - The EU and China

1 Aug 2024

Creative Public Workshop

The Glucksman Gallery, Friday 26th June 10am -12noon 

This event is based on the results of the academic seminar “China, the European Union and the International Human Rights Regime” organised by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European Integration and Citizens’ Rights. The academic seminar delves into China’s interaction with international human rights law and its response to global criticism.

Despite serious human rights concerns in China, including the violent oppression of the Uyghur minority and human rights lawyers, China has effectively defended itself through strategic discourse and active participation in forums like the UN Human Rights Council. China’s shift from a defensive to an offensive stance in the international human rights regime is notable. Furthermore, it has introduced diplomatic mechanisms like the “Human Rights Dialogue” and the concept of a “community of common destiny” to foster cooperation and discourage criticism.

However, the EU, a significant trading partner, faces division in addressing China’s human rights violations. Thus, what role should the European Union (EU) plays in safeguarding human rights internationally? How should the EU engage with China on human rights? How can the EU preserve an open dialogue with authoritarian state such as China and keep a firm stance on the protection of human rights?

Details about the event

Though the medium of art, you will have the opportunity to reflect around those issues. This creative workshop will also allow you to express yourself and collaborate with a professional artist. Come tell us your story, share your perceptive and discuss with us around these very important questions!

Your creation will then serve as inspiration to artist Claire Halpin, which will create a series of artworks that will be expose in the civic space of the Glucksman Gallery. The artist will be at the event to discuss with you your vision.

Your participation will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of these complex issues. We look forward to seeing you there!

Register via Eventbrite: Click here

Register via Email - CEI@UCC.IE 






To learn more about Work Package 5, click here

EU Integration and Citizens' Rights

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Áras na Laoi, School of Law, University College Cork, T12 T656
