Projects and News
Cork Smart Gateway, Cork City Council and Louth County Council to host Irish hackathons and compete at European Level.

Cork Smart Gateway in collaboration with Cork City Council and Louth County Council are seeking citizens and researchers to collaborate and develop new solutions for climate.
The Cork Smart Gateway in collaboration with Cork City Council and Louth County Councilare the Irish hosts for the EU Sparks for Climate Citizens Hackathon which will be taking place online from June 5th-8th. Citizens, researchers and industry partners from across all of Ireland are being recruited to form ten teams of six participants. The Hackathon seeks to facilitate the collaborative creation of innovative technological and social solutions by teams of citizens and researchers to help progress two EU climate missions, the EU Mission for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities and the EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change.
The Hackathon seeks to facilitate the collaborative creation of innovative technological and social solutions by teams of citizens and researchers to help progress two EU climate missions, the EU Mission for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities and the EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change. To participate, citizens must first propose a climate challenge that they consider relevant within their community, city, or region while researchers must bring their expertise to join forces with the citizens to develop the solutions.
Guided by facilitators, mentors, teachers, and jury members, the teams will be guided through a series of workshops to develop and prototype their solutions. From the ten competing Irish teams, two will progress to compete at the EU level against forty-four other teams. These forty-four winning teams will receive a dedicated training and coaching programme to sharpen their skills with learning modules on management, entrepreneurship, sustainability, social impact, research valorization and intellectual property.
After the training and coaching, the teams will participate in the EU final, where they will compete to be one of the three European Citizens Championship-winning teams. In addition to receiving cash prizes (€5,000), these winning teams will receive, tailored mentorship, support for a crowdfunding campaign, access to the angel investor network and support to escalate their solution
Citizens and researchers can find out more information and register through the following link:
Alternativey, contact for more information.