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Students of UCC are also students of UNIC, connected to the other nine UNIC partner universities across Europe. Find out more about the UNIC universities and their profiles: Universities (
UNIC is a part of the European Universities Initiative, launched by the European Commission as a new way for universities to work together across Europe. Read more about the European Universities Initiative and its goals: European Universities initiative | European Education Area (
UNIC's core goal is to benefit students of the ten universities, by opening up mobility, shared research, and city engagement across partners.
How can I get involved?
Take an online language course here: Online Language Modules ( Language courses are free for UCC students, whether you want to prepare to travel to a UNIC location or just want to learn something new. Language courses take 15-30 hours depending on the module, and also cover fascinating cultural aspects. Courses are available for Croatian, Dutch, English & Irish (delivered by UCC's Language Centre), Finnish, French, German, Spanish & Basque, and Turkish.
Apply to join one of the UNIC Joint Master's programmes: SEOS (Superdiversity in Education, Organisations and Society) MA or RePIC (Redesigning the Post-Industrial City) MSc.
Redesigning the Post-Industrial City (RePIC) is a two-year Master's programme jointly designed and delivered by the UNIC alliance – where the ambition is to build a vibrant knowledge and innovation community committed to the rethinking of more sustainable urban futures.
Superdiversity in Education, Organisations & Society MA (SEOS)
Superdiversity in Education, Organisations and Society (SEOS) is a two-year Master's programme that takes an interdisciplinary and intersectional approach to superdiversity, encompassing three key disciplinary perspectives: educational sciences, social sciences and organisational and management research.
Maddalena is studying World Languages in the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences and is in her second year. She comes from a multi-cultural background (Italo-Franco-Irish) and is a trilingual speaker. Maddalena's keenness on languages, cultural diversity, multilingualism, global migration and societal integration informed her programme choice. Maddalena has been an active representative of UCC societies and clubs since her first year. Thanks to her enthusiastic engagement with the French and Italian society, she was awarded the UCC 'Best Fresher' award. Maddalena also serves as secretary of the UCC Volleyball Club committee. In her first year she was also a recipient of the Mary Ryan Language Scholarship and of the Quercus College Scholarship. Contact Maddalena via
Ella Barrett is studying Social Science and is in her final year. This year she is the Irish Ambassador for the European Student Thinktank's International Office and the secretary for the UCC Students' Union Welfare Crew. Ella is the proud recipient of the Quercus University (Academic) Scholarship in 2023 for her academic performance thus far. In her spare time, Ella is a rower and coxswain for UCC Rowing Club and has been elected Club Captain for the 2024/25 season. Contact Ella by emailing
UNIC European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition, UCC office