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Members of the PLRG attend and present at ISPID 2023 in Florence

9 Oct 2023
Dr Sara Leitao, Professor Keelin O'Donoghue, Marita Hennessy PhD and Julianna Crowley pictured at the ISPID 2023 Conference at the Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence

Members of the Pregnancy Loss Research Group presented a range of work from the Group at the 2023 ISPID International Conference held in Florence from 05-08 October.

On Friday 06 October, Marita Hennessy PhD and Dr Sara Leitao participated in a thought-provoking Stillbirth Bereavement Session. Marita spoke about ‘Using graphic medicine to affect change in perinatal detah review processes and ensure that bereaved parents are seen and heard’, presenting work around the development of the graphic narrative ‘Why My Baby Died’. Sara presented qualitative work from the ACHIEVE project (led by Dr Emily O’Connor) showcasing insights into parents’ involvement in perinatal mortality reviews and associated facilitators and barriers.

Woman speaking behind a podium with a large screen to the left of the photograph

Marita Hennessy presenting the graphic narrative ‘Why My Baby Died’ at ISPID 2023. Photo: Ciao Lapo

Woman speaking behind a podium

Dr Sara Leitao presenting ‘“Bridging the gap” in perinatal mortality reviews’ at ISPID 2023

Saturday 07 October opened with a plenary session on ‘Stillbirth Epidemiology and Prevention’. Due to co-chair the session, Professor Keelin O’Donoghue stepped in at late notice and delivered a plenary talk on ‘Stillbirth Matters’ providing updates on data, research, policy and practice in Ireland. In a later session around the theme of bereavement and sudden unexpected death in infancy, Julianna Crowley presented research she conducted during her MSc in Bereavement and Loss on improving supports for healthcare professionals who experience grief and loss in response to neonatal death in maternity unit neonatal intensive care units.

woman speaking at a conference with large screen to the left

Stillbirth Matters: Professor Keelin O’Donoghue providing a plenary talk at ISPID 2023

Women speaking behind a podium with a large presentation screen to the left of the photograph

Julianna Crowley delivering her first conference presentation, ISPID 2023

The International Society for the Study and Prevention of Perinatal and Infant Death (ISPID) is a not-for-profit organisation that leads research into preventive measures for stillbirth and sudden infant death. ISPID also works to promote improved quality, standardization of care for bereaved parents, and networking families, professionals, and scientists through resource sharing.

The theme of this year’s ISPID conference was ‘Baby Survival: Global Achievements and Future Challenges’. Delegates from around the world gathered to hear about research initiatives and families’ experiences to improve outcomes for our future generations and protect precious lives.

Many thanks to the Conference Organising Committee, co-chaired by Fern R Hauck, MD, MS and Raffaele Piumelli, MD, and the Scientific Committee, co-chaired by John Thompson, PhD and Rachel Y Moon, MD, for a wonderful conference. In particular, we are grateful to Dr Claudia Ravaldi and Professor Alfredo Vannacci for their warm welcome to Florence, reigniting connections between CiaoLapo and the PLRG, and we look forward to future collaborations.

Three people standing for a photograph, smiling

Pictured L-R, Dr Claudia Ravaldi, Professor Alfredo Vannacci and Professor Keelin O’Donoghue at Palazzo dei Congressi, inside the 19th century Villa Vittoria

Pregnancy Loss Research Group

Pregnancy Loss Research Group, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University College Cork, Fifth Floor, Cork University Maternity Hospital, Wilton, Cork, T12 YE02, Ireland,
