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College of Science, Engineering & Food Science Requirements

For all courses, a CAO application must be made accompanied by a Statement of Interest outlining education, life and/or relevant work experience. For more information on making a Mature Application please visit the Mature Student application procedure pages.

CAO Code Programme Duration Entry Requirements Additional Requirements
CK401 Computer Science 4

Leaving Certificate* Maths and/or a background in Information Technology is required (e.g. a QQI FET Level 5 or 6 qualification) or comparable professional experience, though well-qualified applicants with a track record of achievement in other areas will be considered.

May Require Interview

CK402 Biological and Chemical Sciences 4

Must have studied a Lab Science subject at second level or QQI FET or demonstrate involvement in Science related areas.

May Require Interview

CK404 Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences 4

Candidates are assessed based on education, life and/or relevant experience as demonstrated in their Statement of Interest.

May Require Interview

CK405 Genetics 4

Must have studied Biology at second level or QQI FET or demonstrate involvement with Science related areas.

May Require Interview

CK406 Chemical Sciences 4

Must have studied a Lab Science at second level or QQI FET or demonstrate involvement with Science related areas.

May Require Interview

CK407 Mathematical Sciences 4

Must have studied Maths at second level or QQI FET or demonstrate involvement with Maths related areas.

May Require Interview

CK408 Physics and Astrophysics 4

Honours Maths or a high level of Ordinary Maths in the Leaving Certificate* is strongly advised as this is a mathematically challenging course. Applied Maths and Physics in the Leaving Certificate* is highly beneficial.

May Require Interview

CK411 Data Science and Analytics 4

Must have studied Maths at second level or QQI FET or demonstrate involvement with Maths related areas.

May Require Interview

CK412 Agricultural Science

Must have studied Maths at second level or QQI FET or demonstrate involvement with Maths related areas.

May Require Interview

CK413 Science Education 4

Must demonstrate the acquisition of a good knowledge of laboratory science subjects (e.g. Biology, Chemistry, Physics) at Leaving Certificate level* or QQI FET and/or a good knowledge of Mathematics or Computer Science at Leaving Certificate level* or QQI FET. Experience of working in a science-related area will be taken into account when processing applications.

MT871 Biomedical Science
(joint UCC & MTU programme)

Honours Maths or a high level of Ordinary Maths in the Leaving Certificate* is strongly advised as this is a mathematically challenging course. Applied Maths and Physics in the Leaving Certificate* is highly beneficial.

May Require Interview

CK504 Nutritional Sciences 4

Candidates are assessed based on academic and/or professional background in a laboratory science-related discipline, including Chemistry, Physics or Biology, as evidenced by exam results. Additional information such as a CV is considered once eligibility has been established.

May Require Interview

CK505 Food Science

Must have studied a Lab Science subject at second level or QQI FET or demonstrate involvement in Science related areas.

May Require Interview

CK600 Engineering 4

H4 in Leaving Certificate* Maths or Applied Maths (HC2 if presenting a pre-2017 Leaving Certificate).

Applicants are also assessed on the basis of academic and/or professional background in a science-related discipline, evidenced by exam results.

May Require Interview

CK606 Architecture 4

Portfolio (in two parts) to be submitted in April. Part 1 - CV; Part 2 - not more than 8 A3 or A4 pages, which might include sketches, paintings, illustrations, photography and photographs of original 3D works. You will receive an email request to submit the portfolio with details about who and where to send it to in the Architecture Department.

May Require Interview

 * Students may also provide the equivalent of a Leaving Certificate exam (e.g. A-Levels or International Baccalaureate). For further information please see the EU/EFTA/UK Applicants page. 

Admissions Office


1st floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, T12 K8AF
