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GDPR Phishing Scams - Important Security Notice

24 May 2018

 Several GDPR phishing scams have been reported to IT Services and detected in the past few days as scammers capitalise on the last-minute rush by companies to ensure compliance ahead of the May 25, 2018 GDPR deadline. Be wary about any GDPR related email requests – they may be a scam or phishing emails.

As usual please be vigilant when responding to emails or clicking links in emails. UCC IT Services provide guidance and advice on detecting scams -


In summary


  • Be SUSPICIOUS of emails that ask for personal or company information
  • NEVER send your password or personal information in response to an email
  • Do NOT click on links in an email that you are suspicious of
  • If you are unsure whether the email is legitimate contact the company directly to verify it
  • NEVER open attachments of suspect emails
  • Delete the email



IT Services

IT Services Department

Seirbhísí TF

Room 3.34, 3rd floor, T12 YN60
