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Giving and Receiving Feedback with Skill and Confidence

Participant Group: All Staff

Facilitator: Reg Friddle, Preferred Future

This programme is made up of an online module followed by 2 live Zoom practical course modules. If participants cannot attend the first live module, they can still attend the second as there will be a recap and summary of module 1 at the beginning of module 2.



Participants will enhance their feedback skills and confidence to plan for, give and receive high quality feedback that measurably improves team effectiveness, accountability and morale.

By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Know why giving and receiving meaningful feedback is important and how it fits with the organisation's values and vision
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in giving feedback using a unique feedback skills questionnaire
  • Prepare and deliver meaningful feedback using a bespoke and effective 5-step process
  • Practice the positive feedback behaviours of great people managers
  • Receive feedback from the trainer to adjust their approach
  • Handle 'difficult' feedback situations
  • Commit to an action plan to use the skills gained on this course


Module 1: The Art of Feedback (Online Module)

Objective: to provide the theory and models for giving and receiving feedback

  • Online module approximately 1 hour in duration
  • Available to participants 2 weeks before first workshop
  • Video, transcripts, presentations, workbooks, toolkits and quizzes
  • Lifetime access to the course


Module 2: Practical Workshop No. 1 (Via Zoom: Wed 10th January 2024, 9.30am - 12pm)

Objective: to take the learnings from the online module and put them into practice

  • Practical, scenario-based feedback skills programme to build confidence and skills giving feedback based on the learnings from the online module
  • Trainer will provide input and comment to enhance the learning, based on the experiences gained through the practical session
  • Action plan with homework - to give feedback using the models learned thus far

Open for booking Via ESS (You can attend either one or both of the live modules, so a separate booking is required for each module if you wish to attend both)


Module 3: Practical Workshop No. 2 (Via Zoom, Wed 17th January 2024, 9.30am - 12pm

Objective: to deepen confidence and skills in giving and receiving feedback

  • Trainer will recap and summarise module 1 at the beginning of module 2
  • If participants were in module 1, they will be invited to debrief the action points they took since that module
  • Help minimise nerves and anxiety when giving feedback, including dealing with 'difficult' situations
  • Further skills development input to deepen learning and build confidence with practical scenarios and case studies
  • Action plan to embed learnings back in the workplace

Open for booking Via ESS (You can attend either one or both of the live modules, so a separate booking is required for each module if you wish to attend both)

Staff Wellbeing & Development

First Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC, T12 YN60
