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Current Students

Introductory Lectures

Information on introductory lectures for all CK101 and CK109 can be found here:


ALL YEARS: Application for Extension

All applications for extensions must be made via the link below. 

Please do not email a lecturer or the office directly - only applications received via the link will be processed.


Thank you.

First Year



First-Year Booklet

CK101 FIRST YEAR Booklet 2023-24

Documents for First Year Students

Plagiarism policy 2021-2022

Contact details for English Staff (15.09.2020)


First year essay plagiarism form 2021-22


CK109 Booklet and Documents 

 CK109 First-Year Booklet 2023-24 FINAL_

Plagiarism policy 2021-2022


Visiting Students Booklet

Visiting Booklet 2023-24 (semester 2)

Visiting Booklet 2023-24



Skills Centre Sessions

If you are interested in improving your writing skills and developing related skills to help you with university study, such as note taking, time management, study skills, and exam preparation, you may be interested in the sessions offered by the Skills Centre, located in the Berkeley Centre, Q-1, Boole Library.

For details, visit:

Students can sign up here:

Third Year



CK101 Third Year Documents

CK101 Third Year Booklet 2023-24

Plagiarism policy 2021-2022


Third Year Essay Plagiarism Form 2021-2022


Teaching Council (Essential Areas of Study)

PME - Essential Areas of Study (English) 


CK109 3rd Year Documents

CK109 Third Year Booklet 2023-24




Assessments and Examinations (2023-24)

Assessments and examinations in 2023-24

All modules in English in 2023-24 will be by  continuous assessment. There will be no end-of year written exam papers. All modules are assessed by written work submitted on Canvas (some modules in Ck 109 will employ group- and project work).  In seminar modules (for students not taking English as a minor), attendance is compulsory and your participation will form part of your overall mark. 

Lecture recording policy in 2023-24 

With the end of pandemic measures in the University, lectures in the subject of English will not be recorded in in the coming academic year, in line with practice in other subjects in the College of Arts.  


DSS-registered students can contact the individual module co-ordinator at the beginning of the academic year to have recorded lectures made available to them. Please note not every lecture course may be able to make recordings available, and seminars and other small-group courses are never recorded. 


Students not registered with DSS who miss lectures though illness or late registration should contact the individual lecturer to discuss the material taught, but these circumstances will not be deemed grounds for access to recorded lectures. (We encourage all students make time to discuss coursework with their lecturers / tutors in all circumstances, throughout the year).  


The Department of English Teaching and Learning committee may consider exceptional cases, with documentation, where there has been prolonged, medically-enforced absence, for special release of recorded lectures, but retrospective access to lectures may not be possible in every module.   


Please note recorded lectures are not released at autumn examination sittings, except under the criteria stated above. 

Plagiarism Policy

The Department of English follows UCC’s Plagiarism Policy: 

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the presentation of work for credit without appropriate attribution. Types of plagiarism include:

  1. Presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own without appropriate attribution.
  2. Copying one’s own work for one assignment and resubmitting it for another module is known as ‘self-plagiarism’. Self-plagiarism is where a student’s assignment is identical to an assignment previously submitted as part of their university studies. Even if cited correctly, it is still presenting work for credit more than once and cannot be accepted. 
  3. Collusion between students, where work is permitted to be copied and presented as the work of one individual.
  4. Buying a paper from the Web or elsewhere and presenting it as your own work.

How to avoid it?


Be sure to     follow standard referencing practices for English as set out in the Handbook. Incorrect referencing in assignments may be construed as plagiarism: you MUST USE QUOTATION MARKS to indicate precisely what you are quoting from secondary sources listed in your Works Cited.


If you are unsure about what plagiarism means or are confused by any aspect of the policy, please contact your lecturer prior to submitting any essays. You are responsible both for knowing what constitutes plagiarism and for ensuring that you have not plagiarised. You will be required to complete and submit a cover sheet with each essay declaring that your submitted work is in accordance with the plagiarism policy.

Procedures and outcomes

If a lecturer, examiner, invigilator, external examiner or other identifies a potential case of plagiarism, they will raise it with the Plagiarism Officer for consultation. The Department      then follows these steps:

  1. If the Plagiarism Officer determines that the allegation does not amount to plagiarism, this will be notified to the student.
  2. If the Plagiarism Officer suspects that a breach of academic conduct has occurred, s/he will inform the student, in writing, of the allegation and prior findings, if any, of plagiarism and provide the student with an opportunity to provide an explanation via a meeting (in person or online). The Plagiarism Officer will consider the allegation, any personal statement made and any information available, including the student’s examination records, to take one of the following options:


  1. Make a full report in writing to the Student Records and Examination Officer, which will trigger the procedures for Breach of Examination Regulations and Procedures (see 


  • Exercise discretion to pursue the matter independently of the Student Records and Examination Office, and impose an appropriate penalty, which will not exceed assigning a mark of zero for the piece of work to which the offence relates. Where a sanction results in a FAIL judgement for the module, capping will be applied to marks achieved at the Supplemental Examination.



  1. If the student agrees with the sanction of the Plagiarism Officer, the student will formally accept the outcome as a final decision in writing, and all documentation will be forwarded to the Student Records and Examination Office.
  2. If the student believes they have been treated unfairly then they have the right to formal appeal through the standard UCC Examination Appeals process. See Section 19 of University’s Guide to Examinations and Assessment for Staff and Students, found here: 


You will find a video on Canvas that explains what plagiarism is and sets out the English Department’s expectations for clearly attributed and correct academic writing.

Supports and Services

‌‌Year Committees and Staff-Student Meetings

Within the Department, it is the responsibility of certain staff members to oversee each year group and to ensure that the teaching and assessment for all the courses in each year is administered and delivered efficiently and effectively.  The Year Committees also arrange for students to act as representatives for the year group by attending staff-student meetings.  Staff-Student meetings are an important way for students to voice their opinion and give feedback so why not consider becoming a rep?  And do always remember that you should find out who your reps are, and let them know of any issues you think are important and need to be brought to the attention of the Department.

First Year Committee: contact Dr Miranda Corcoran 

Second Year Committee: contact Dr Tom Birkett

Third Year Committee: contact Dr Ken Rooney

Teaching Officer

Dr Ken Rooney (semester 1) and Prof Alex Davis (semester 2) are the Teaching Officers, and one of their responsibilities is to advise students who may be having difficulty with their studies due to illness, family circumstances, etc. 

Accessibility Officer

Dr Stephen Roddy is the School Accessibility Officer. Feel free to contact him with your queries: <>.

Help & Support

Within the university, there are also a number of places to find help and support:

Student Counselling and Development

Student Health

Students' Union

Student Advisor and Ombudsman

Disability Support Services

Lowercase Second Hand Book Service

Lowercase Bookshop Offer


Student Services Support Tree

UCC has many different supports in place for students who might be struggling in these difficult times. Our Support Tree shows the services available to students. 




Click the link below to view an interactive Support Tree infographic with links to relevant services

Support Tree PDF



Contact Us

All offices in the School of English, for academic and administrative staff, are located in the O’Rahilly Building (ORB) on the first floor.

Department Administrative Office: ORB 1.57

Office hours are restricted at present.  Opening times are as follows:

From Monday, 20 September 2021:  Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday, 9.30 am to 11 am and 2.30 pm to 4 pm

Enquiries can also be sent to 

In all communications, please clearly identify your name, student number, and year. You should also check Canvas regularly for Department information and updates.

English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
