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In recent years, policymakers and funding agencies around the world have emphasised the importance of research that has a positive impact on society. Ireland is no exception: research funders now consider impact a fundamental aspect of almost all research programmes.

Because of this, the HEA awarded UCD funding to refine its impact-related resources and develop an online toolkit. With support from the Irish Research Council, UCD convened a national Research Impact Working Group, bringing together representatives from across Ireland’s research community, including UCC Research, to share ideas, perspectives, and existing good practice around research impact.

This toolkit is the result of these efforts, and we encourage all researchers in UCC to use it and consider impact in a meaningful way.



Funding for the toolkit was generously provided by the Higher Education Authority (HEA).


A list of all members of the national Research Impact Working Group, who helped shape the tools and resources found in this toolkit:

  • Irish Research Council
    Dr Eavan O’Brien, Assistant Director (Impact & Partnerships)
    Dr Jennifer Cassidy, Programme Manager
  • University College Dublin
    Liam Cleere, Senior Manager for Research Analytics and Impact
    David Bennett, Research Impact Officer
  • NUI Galway
    Áine Mhic Thaidhg, Research Impact Officer
  • Trinity College Dublin
    Sarah Bowman, Director of Strategic Engagement & Impact Assessment, Office of the Dean of Research

Research and Innovation

Taighde agus Nuálaíocht

Office of Vice President for Research & Innovation, 4th Floor, Block E, Food Science Building University College Cork, T12 K8AF
