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SmartEdu Club - fun science activities for 7 to 13 year olds

6 Apr 2020

The SmartEdu Challenge, celebrates Tech Week and Robotics Week 2020 through an online club. Access activity sheets, stories and animated videos all about science and technology. 

Marinara Mercato is a PhD Student with the Tyndall National Institute Research Centre. She is also a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and maths) Teacher and she has just launched a new educational start-up called SMART Edu Club. The mission is to provide high quality education in a fun and engaging way, that is accessible to as many kids as possible.

To support parents and children during COVID-19, they are running SMART Edu Challenge which runs from 31 March to the 8 May. The challenge provides activities distributed over five weeks providing activity sheets, stories and animated videos all about science and technology. 

The activities are designed for 7-13 year old children to keep them informed and entertained whilst also helping them feel part of a community.  The topics covered celebrate Tech Week and Robotics week and require minimum resources and preparation. 

Don't worry if you missed the dates - the reources are willl still be available on their website after the Challenge - so why not check out the activities on their website here.


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