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Creativity at Home - activity sheets and video tutorials to get creative

30 Mar 2020
Peter Donnelly, Justice The Right to be Heard

The Glucksman's 'Creativity from Home' initiative provides creative activities for parents and kids with free video tutorials, activity sheets to downloads and online support and encouragement from the Glucksman team. Now also featuring on RTE Homeschool Hub!

The initiative began on 17th March, as nationwide parents began to grapple with the new circumstances of closed schools and home schooling. Run by The Glucksmas, with plans to continue to run for as long as schools are not in session. 

It quickly became a popular resource that received local and national attention and now RTE Home School Hub shares Creativity At Home on their website in partnership with The Glucksman.

There are 24 activity sheets now available on The Glucksman website. These are supported by daily challenges designed to appeal to an older audience. The resources were shared with The Glucksman's primary school network who advised the programme to parents. 

So go ahead, get Creative at Home with The Glucksman!

The project is made possible with the support of the Arts Council funding and partner RTE Homeschool Hub.


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