Professor Aoife Daly delivers inaugural lecture

Professor Aoife Daly delivered her inaugural lecture 'What child/youth climate action means for human right law" on 13 March 2024 in the Dr. Dora Allman Room.
The event drew a full audience of colleagues, students, and invited guests as part of the College of Business and Law Inaugural Professorial Lecture Series 2023/24.
As Principal Investigator, Professor Daly leads the Youth Climate Justice Project, funded by a consolidator grant from the European Research Council. This project aims to reassess children’s rights through their involvement in addressing the climate crisis.
During her lecture, Professor Daly highlighted the significant impact of child/youth climate action, including protests, lobbying, and strategic litigation, in reshaping perceptions of children. She argued that this disruption challenges and transforms the landscape of international law on children’s rights, suggesting a shift towards a 'post-paternalism' era for the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The lecture was introduced by UCC President Professor John O’Halloran and Dean of the School of Law Professor Mark Poustie, with concluding remarks by Head of College Professor Thia Hennessy.