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The central focus of this project, funded by Taighde Érenn / Research Ireland (formerly the Irish Research Council), is on producing editions of the earliest version of Acallam na Senórach 'The Colloquy of the Ancients', the central Finn Cycle text from medieval Ireland. New software will also be developed to help in this work.



Aims of the Project

  • Semi-diplomatic single manuscript editions of the four vellum witnesses to Acallam na Senórach: Laud MS 610; Rawlinson MS B. 487; The Book of Lismore; and Franciscan MS A 4.
  • A published ‘minimal’ critical edition and translation of the oldest version of the Acallam.
  • An online digital multi-layer ‘maximal’ edition and translation of the Acallam.
  • Bespoke editing software which will be made freely available to all.

The Disappearing Text

Roinn na Sean- agus na Meán-Ghaeilge
