Primary Sources
This listing focuses on the medieval Acallam tradition; see further Natasha Sumner's Fionn Cycle Bibliography.
Acallam na Senórach
- Dillon, M., Stories from the Acallam, Mediaeval and Modern Irish Series 23 (Dublin, 1970; repr. 1984).
- Dooley, A., ‘From: Acallam na Senórach (The Colloquy of the Ancients)’, in A. Bourke et al. (eds), The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing IV: Irish Women’s Writing and Traditions (Cork, 2002) 228–33.
- Dooley, A. and H. Roe, Tales of the Elders of Ireland: A New Translation of Acallam na Senórach, Oxford World’s Classics (Oxford, 1999).
- Harmon, M., The Dialogue of the Ancients of Ireland: A New Translation of Acallam na Senórach (Dublin, 2009); reprint of idem, The Colloquy of the Old Men (Dublin, 2001), with a Foreword by S. Ó Coileáin.
- O’Grady, S.H., ‘Agallamh na Senórach’, Silva Gadelica, 2 vols (London, 1892) i, 94–233 [edition]; ii, 101–265 [translation].
- Stokes, W., ‘Acallamh na Senórach’, in W. Stokes and E. Windisch (eds), Irische Texte iv, 1 (Leipzig, 1900) 1–438.
Agallamh Bheag
- Hyde, D. (An Chraoibhín), ‘An Agallamh Bheag’, Lia Fáil 1 (1924) 79–107.
- Kühns, J.S., ‘An Edition and Translation of the Agallamh Bheag from the Book of Lismore’, unpublished MPhil. thesis (University of Glasgow, 2006) [available online at].
- Pennington, W., ‘The Little Colloquy’, Philological Quarterly, 9, ii (April, 1930) 97–110.
Agallamh na Seanórach
- Ní Shéaghdha, N., Agallamh na Seanórach, 3 vols, Leabhair ó Láimhsgríbhnibh 7, 10, 15 (Dublin, 1942–5); repr. in one volume (with a new introduction) by the Irish Texts Society (London, 2014).
Secondary Sources
- Arbuthnot, S., ‘The Reeves Agallamh as a Lexical Resource’, in S. Arbuthnot, S. Ní Mhurchú and G. Parsons (eds), The Gaelic Finn Tradition II (Dublin, 2022) 55–69.
- Arbuthnot, S. and G. Parsons (eds), The Gaelic Finn Tradition (Dublin, 2012).
- Breatnach, C., ‘The Transmission of the Earliest Recension of Acallam na Senórach’, in C. Breatnach, M. Ní Úrdail and G. Ó Riain (eds), Lorg na Leabhar: A Festschrift for Pádraig A. Breatnach (Dublin, 2019) 197–219.
- Carey, J., ‘Acallam na Senórach: A Conversation between Worlds’, in A. Doyle and K. Murray (eds), In Dialogue with the Agallamh: Essays in Honour of Seán Ó Coileáin (Dublin, 2014) 76–89.
- Carney, J., ‘Two Poems from Acallam na Senórach’, in J. Carney and D. Greene (eds), Celtic Studies: Essays in Memory of Angus Matheson (London, 1968) 22–32.
- Connon, A., ‘Plotting Acallam na Senórach: The Physical Context of the “Mayo” Sequence’, in S. Sheehan, J. Findon and W. Follett (eds), Gablánach in Scélaigecht: Celtic Studies in Honour of Ann Dooley (Dublin, 2013) 69–102.
- — ‘The Roscommon Locus of Acallam na Senórach and Some Thoughts as to Tempus and Persona’, in A. Doyle and K. Murray (eds), In Dialogue with the Agallamh: Essays in Honour of Seán Ó Coileáin (Dublin, 2014) 21–59.
- de Vries, R., ‘Medieval Medicine and the Healing of Caílte in Acallam na Senórach’, North American Journal of Celtic Studies 5:1 (Spring, 2021) 49–82.
- Donahue, A., ‘The Acallam na Senórach: A Medieval Instruction Manual’, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 24–5 (2004–5) 206–14.
- Dooley, A., ‘The Date and Purpose of Acallam na Senórach’, Éigse 34 (2004) 97–126.
- — ‘The Deployment of Some Hagiographical Sources in Acallam na Senórach’, in S. Arbuthnot and G. Parsons (eds), The Gaelic Finn Tradition (Dublin, 2012) 97–110.
- — ‘The European Context of Acallam na Senórach’, in A. Doyle and K. Murray (eds), In Dialogue with the Agallamh: Essays in Honour of Seán Ó Coileáin (Dublin, 2014a) 60–75.
- — ‘Pagan Beliefs and Christian Redress in Acallam na Senórach’, in J. Borsje, A. Dooley, S. Mac Mathúna and G. Toner (eds), Celtic Cosmology: Perspectives from Ireland and Scotland (Toronto, 2014b) 249–67.
- — ‘Speaking with Forked Tongues: Gender and Narrative in the Acallam’, in S. Sheehan and A. Dooley (eds), Constructing Gender in Medieval Ireland (New York, 2013)171–89.
- Doyle, A. and K. Murray (eds), In Dialogue with the Agallamh: Essays in Honour of Seán Ó Coileáin (Dublin, 2014).
- Edel, D., ‘Literature and Empowerment: The Sexual Relationships in Acallam na Senórach’, ZCP 68 (2021) 121–66.
- Fitzpatrick, E., ‘Hunting Places in the Finn Cycle and Their Association with Borderlands of Medieval Gaelic Territories’, in S. Arbuthnot, S. Ní Mhurchú and G. Parsons (eds), The Gaelic Finn Tradition II (Dublin, 2022) 39–54.
- Flahive, J., ‘Revisiting the Reeves Agallamh’, in A. Doyle and K. Murray (eds), In Dialogue with the Agallamh: Essays in Honour of Seán Ó Coileáin (Dublin, 2014) 164–84.
- — The Fenian Cycle in Irish and Scots-Gaelic Literature, Cork Studies in Celtic Literatures 1 (Cork, 2017) Chapter 3.
- Hyde, D., ‘The Reeves Manuscript of the Agallamh na Senórach’, Revue celtique, 38 (1920) 289–95.
- Kühns, J.S., ‘Some Observations on the Acallam Bec’, in S. Arbuthnotand G. Parsons (eds), The Gaelic Finn Tradition (Dublin, 2012) 122–38.
- McTurk, R., ‘Acallam na Senórach and Snorri Sturlusson’s Edda’, in S. Ó Catháin et al. (eds), Northern Lights: Following Folklore in North-western Europe. Aistí in Adhnó do Bho Almqvist / Essays in Honour of Bo Almqvist (Dublin, 2001) 178–89.
- Mills, K., ‘Sorrow and Conversion in Acallam na Senórach’, Éigse, 38 (2013) 1–19.
- Murphy, G., The Ossianic Lore and Romantic Tales of Medieval Ireland (Cork, 1955; revised ed. 1971).
- — ‘Acallam na Senórach’, in M. Dillon (ed.), Irish Sagas (Dublin, 1959; repr. Cork, 1968) 119–34 (repr. as ‘Introduction’ to Dillon, Stories from the Acallam, pp xiii–xxv).
- Murray, K., ‘Brollach / Preface’ to reprint of Nessa Ní Shéaghdha, Agallamh na Seanórach (1942-5), Irish Texts Society (London, 2014) pp iv–viii, 262–6.
- — The Early Finn Cycle (Dublin, 2017) Chapter 1.
- — The Early Fenian Corpus, CSCL 5 (Cork, 2021) ##A29–30.
- — ‘Editing Acallam na Senórach: A Test Case Based on the Mucc Shlánga Episode’, in S. Arbuthnot, S. Ní Mhurchú and G. Parsons (eds), The Gaelic Finn Tradition II (Dublin, 2022) 24–38.
- Nagy, J.F., ‘Compositional Concerns in the Acallam na Senórach’, in D. Ó Corráin, L. Breatnach and K. McCone (eds), Sages, Saints and Storytellers: Celtic Studies in Honour of Professor James Carney (Maynooth, 1989) 149–58.
- — ‘Oral Tradition in the Acallam na Senórach’, in W.F.H. Nicolaisen (ed.), Oral Tradition in the Middle Ages (Binghamton, 1995) 77–95.
- — ‘Life in the Fast Lane: The Acallam na Senórach’, in H. Fulton (ed.), Medieval Celtic Literature and Society (Dublin, 2005) 117–31.
- — ‘Acallam na Senórach, “A Tri-Cycle”?’, in D. Wiley (ed.), Essays on the Early Irish King Tales (Dublin, 2008) 68–83.
- — ‘Keeping the Acallam Together’, in S. Arbuthnot and G. Parsons (eds), The Gaelic Finn Tradition (Dublin, 2012) 111–21.
- — ‘Some Strands and Strains in Acallam na Senórach’, in A. Doyle and K. Murray (eds), In Dialogue with the Agallamh: Essays in Honour of Seán Ó Coileáin (Dublin, 2014) 90–108.
- Nuner, R.D., ‘The Verbal System of the Agallamh na Senórach’, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 27 (1959) 230–309.
- Ó Cadhla, S., ‘Gods and Heroes: Approaching the Acallam as Ethnography’, in A. Doyle and K. Murray (eds), In Dialogue with the Agallamh: Essays in Honour of Seán Ó Coileáin (Dublin, 2014) 125–43
- Ó Coileáin, S., ‘Place and Placename in Fianaigheacht’, Studia Hibernica, 27 (1993) 45–60 (repr. in A. Doyle and K. Murray (eds), In Dialogue with the Agallamh: Essays in Honour of Seán Ó Coileáin (Dublin, 2014) 6–20).
- — ‘The Setting of Géisid Cúan’, in J. Carey, M. Herbert and K. Murray (eds), Cín Chille Cúile: Texts, Saints and Places. Essays in Honour of Pádraig Ó Riain (Aberystwyth, 2004) 234–48 (repr. in A. Doyle and K. Murray (eds), In Dialogue with the Agallamh: Essays in Honour of Seán Ó Coileáin (Dublin, 2014) 218–30).
- Ó Macháin, P., ‘Aonghus Ó Callanáin, Leabhar Leasa Móir agus an Agallamh Bheag’, in A. Doyle and K. Murray (eds), In Dialogue with the Agallamh: Essays in Honour of Seán Ó Coileáin (Dublin, 2014) 144–63.
- Ó Muraíle, N., ‘Agallamh na Seanórach’, in P. Ó Fiannachta (ed.), An Fhiannaíocht: Léachtaí Cholm Cille 25 (Má Nuad, 1995) 96–127.
- Ostrander, C.C., ‘Three Short Poems in Acallam na Senórach: Poetry as an Indicator of the Relationship between the Manuscript Witnesses’, North American Journal of Celtic Studies 7:1 (Spring, 2023) 146–55.
- Parsons, G., ‘Acallam na Senórach as Prosimetrum’, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, 24 (2004) 86–100.
- — ‘The Structure of Acallam na Senórach’, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies, 55 (Summer, 2008) 11–39.
- — ‘Whitley Stokes, Standish Hayes O’Grady and Acallam na Senórach’, in E. Boyle and P. Russell (eds), The Tripartite Life of Whitley Stokes (1830–1909) (Dublin, 2011) 185–95.
- — ‘The Narrative Voice in Acallam na Senórach’, in A. Doyle and K. Murray (eds), In Dialogue with the Agallamh: Essays in Honour of Seán Ó Coileáin (Dublin, 2014) 109–24.
- Roe, H., ‘Acallamh na Senórach: The Confluence of Lay and Clerical Oral Traditions’, in C.J. Byrne, M. Harry and P. Ó Siadhail (eds), Celtic Languages and Celtic Peoples: Proceedings of the Second North American Conference of Celtic Studies (Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1992) 331–46.
- — ‘The Acallam: The Church’s Eventual Acceptance of the Cultural Inheritance of Pagan Ireland’, in S. Sheehan, J. Findon and W. Follett (eds), Gablánach in Scélaigecht: Celtic Studies in Honour of Ann Dooley (Dublin, 2013) 103–15.
- Schlüter, D., ‘“For the Entertainment of Lords and Commons of Later Times”: Past and Remembrance in Acallam na Senórach’, Celtica, 26 (2010) 146–60.
- Thanisch, E., ‘What the Butlers Saw: Acallam na Senórach and its Marginalia in the Book of the White Earl’, Aiste, 4 (2014) 35–57.
- Toner, G., ‘The Dating of the Acallam’, in S. Arbuthnot, S. Ní Mhurchú and G. Parsons (eds), The Gaelic Finn Tradition II (Dublin, 2022) 15–23.