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Dr. Ken Devine

Ryan, N.A. and Devine, K.J. (2005). Comparison of the in-soil hatching responses of Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida in the presence and absence of the host potato crop cv. British Queen. Nematology., 200 Vol. 7 (4), 587-597.

O’Neill, J.A., Gallagher, O.P., Devine, K.J., Jones. P.W. & Maguire, A.R. (2005). Isolation of Demethylabietospiran – a Naturally Occuring Self-Gelation Agent. Journal of Natural Products. 68,125-128.

Devine, K.J. and Jones, P.W. (2003). Comparison of the production and mobility of the potato cyst nematodes, Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida hatching factors within a field planted with a host potato crop. Nematology  5(2), 219-225.

Devine, K.J. and Jones, P.W. (2003).  Investigations into the chemoattraction of the potato cyst nematodes Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida towards fractionated root leachate. Nematology 5(1), 65-75.

Devine, K.J . and Jones, P.W. (2001). Effects of hatching factors on potato cyst nematode hatch and in-egg mortality in soil and in-vitro. Nematology 3(1), 65-74.

Devine, K.J ., Byrne, J. and Jones, P.W. (2001). In vitro studies on the relative availability and mobility in soil of natural hatching factors for the potato cyst nematodes, Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida. Nematology 3(1), 75-83.

Devine, K.J . and Jones, P.W. (2001).Potato cyst nematode hatching activity and hatching factors in inter-specific Solanum hybrids. Nematology 3(2), 141-149.

Devine, K.J . and Jones, P.W. (2000). Purification and partial characterisation of hatching factors for the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis from potato root leachate. Nematology 2(2), 231-236.

Devine, K.J . and Jones, P.W. (2000). Response of Globodera rostochiensis to exogenously applied hatching factors in soil. Annals of Applied Biology 137, 21-29.

Devine, K.J ., Dunne, C., O’Gara, F. and Jones, P.W. (1999). The influence of in-egg mortality and spontaneous hatching on the decline of Globodera rostochiensis during crop rotation in the absence of the host crop in the field. Nematology 1(6), 637-645.

 Byrne, J., Twomey, U., Maher, N., Devine, K.J. and Jones, P.W. (1998). Detection of hatching inhibitors and hatching factor stimulants for golden potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, in potato root leachate. Annals of Applied Biology 132, 463-472.

Twomey, U., Devine, K., Byrne, J. and Jones, P.W. (1996). Roles of host-derived hatching inhibitors in controlling hatch of Globodera rostochiensis. Nematropica 26, 320-321.

Devine, K.J ., Byrne, J., Maher, N. and Jones, P.W. (1996). Resolution of natural hatching factors for the golden cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis. Annals of Applied Biology 129, 323-334.

Byrne, J., Walsh, D., Devine, K. and Jones, P.W. (1996). Investigations into the cause of delayed hatch of Globodera pallida compared to G. rostochiensis. Nematropica 26, 247.

Twomey, U., Raftery, T., Devine, K. and Jones, P.W. (1995). An improved procedure for assaying hatching activity of potato root diffusate towards Globodera rostochiensis. Nematologica 41, 258-260.


Non Peer Reviewed Articles about Research

New Scientist . Early worm saves potatoes, Dec 10, 1994, p.21

Technology Ireland . Potato production, Nov 1994, p.34-36.


List of Oral Presentations

Devine, K.  (2007). Exploitation of a potato derived semio-chemical. UCC Plant Research Platform Seminar. Nov 2007.

Devine, K ., Gallagher, P., Maguire, A.R. & Jones, P. (2004). Chemical elucitation of abiotic tolerance in wheat. Environmental Research Institute Day Dec 2004.

Ryan, A., Jones, P.W., Devine, K.J. (2003). Hatching responses of Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida in potato ridges to the production and mobility of hatching activity produced by host potato plants. Offered papers in Nematology, Association of Applied Biologists, Linnean Society of London, Dec 2003

Devine, K . & Jones, P.W. (2002). Movement of potato cyst nematodes Globodera pallida and Globodera rostochiensis hatching factors in soil. Offered papers in Nematology, Association of Applied Biologists, Linnean Society of London, Dec 2002.

Deliopoulos, T., Devine, K, J. Jones, P.W., & Haydock, P.P. (2001). Effects of vesticular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the in vitro and in-soil hatch of the potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis. Association of Applied Biologists, Linnean Society of London, Dec 2001.

Devine, K ., Twomey, U., Byrne, J., Fleming, C., Turner, S. & Jones, P.W. (2000). Inheritance of potato cyst nematode hatching factors in inter-specific Solanum hybrids. Irish Botanists Meeting, University College, Cork, Apr 2000.

Devine, K ., Byrne, J. & Jones, P.W. (1999). Behaviour of natural potato cyst nematode hatching factors in soil. Offered papers in Nematology, Association of Applied Biologists, Linnean Society of London, Dec 1999.

Devine, K ., Twomey, U., Byrne, J., Fleming, C., Turner, S. & Jones, P.W. (1999). Inheritance of potato cyst nematode hatching factors in inter-specific Solanum hybrids. Offered papers in Nematology, Association of Applied Biologists, Linnean Society of London, Dec 1999.

Byrne, J., Devine, K., Raftery, T., Walsh, D., Twomey, U. & Jones, P.W. (1994). Comparative studies on the response of Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida to hatching chemicals. Offered papers in Nematology, Association of Applied Biologists, Dec 1994, Linnean Society of London.

Twomey, U., Raftery, T., Devine, K., Byrne, J. & Jones, P.W. (1993). Hatching chemical responses of Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida. Offered papers in Nematology. Association of Applied Biologists, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, UK.


Nematode controlling factors and their use in agriculture (OCT/IE/00037)

Compounds for inducing abiotic stress tolerance in plants. (European & US patent application Dec 2009)

Selected Recent Poster Presentations-

T. Deliopoulos, S. Minnis, K. Devine, P Haydock & P. Jones. Integrated management of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and a nematicide. Advances in Nematology, Association of Applied Biologists, Linnean Society of London, 11 Dec 2007.

Caroline A. Blackshields, Ken J. Devine, H.A Moynihan, Abina M. Crean. The effect of pH on Levobupivaine free base solubility and retention on reverse phase HPLC.  Post Graduate Pharmacy Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 21-22 March 2005.

Ken Devine & Aileen Ryan (2005). The effect of competition between G. rostochiensis and G. pallida on PCN multliplication rates on non resistance potato cultivars. Advances in Potato Cyst Nematode Management. Association of Applied Biologists. Harper-Adams University Colllege, UK. 13 July 2005.

Ken Devine   & Aileen Ryan. (2004) Hatching responses of Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida in potato ridges to the production and mobility of hatching activity produced by potato cv. British Queen. European Society of Nematologists, XXV11 International Symposium, Rome 14-18 June 2004.

Ruth Healy, Connie Hoeckh, Marie Barrette, Ken Devine, Peter Jones, Paul Gallagher, Anita Maguire & David Sheehan. (2004) Investigations of the role of Glutathione-S-Transferase in Cross-Tolerance to Abiotic Stress in Wheat.. Analytical Biological Chemistry Research Facility Research Day, 22 Apr 2004.

Ken Devine , Paul Gallagher, Anita R. Maguire & Peter Jones. (2004) Triazole induced Abiotic Stress tolerance in Wheat. Analytical Biological Chemistry Research Facility Research Day, 22 Apr 2004.

Aileen Ryan & Ken Devine. (2003). Differential response of potato cyst nematode species (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida) to hatching factors in the field. Irish Research Council Science Engineering & Technology National Symposium. 7Nov 2003.

Ken Devine , Paul Gallagher, Anita R. Maguire & Peter Jones. (2003). Triazole – induced abiotic stress tolerance in wheat Environmental Research Institute Research Day , University College Cork. Dec 2003.

Aileen Ryan & Ken Devine. (2003). Differential response of potato cyst nematode species (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida) to hatching factors in the field. Environmental Research Institute Research Day , University College Cork. Dec 2003.

Society Memberships

European Society of Nematologists

 Association of Applied Biology

Dr. Ken Devine

Name: Dr. Ken Devine
Position: Senior Technical Officer
T: 353 (0)21 4901650
F: 353 (0)21 4901656


Publication / Presentation list (revised  Jan 2010)

International Peer reviewed papers

Published papers

Devine, K.J. (2010). Comparison of the effects of freezing and thawing on the cysts of the two potato cyst nematode species, Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida using differential scanning calorimetry. Nematology, Vol 12, Number 1, pp.81-88


T. Deliopoulos, K.J. Devine, P.P.J. Haydock & P.W. Jones. (2007) Studies on the effect of mycorrhization on potato roots on the hatching activity of potato root leachate towards the potato cyst nematodes, Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis. Nematology, 2007, 9(5),719-729.

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
