Margaret O Rourke
Research Interests
Risk and Safety in Mental Health and Medicine. Anger, Violence and Substance Misuse. Mental Health Promotion, Suicide Prevention. Biopsychological Approaches to common Mental Health problems. User-focused, Multi-disciplinary and Multi-agency Medical Education.Selected Publications
Margaret O’Rourke BA. MA. M.App.Sci. Psych.D, C.Psychol. C.Sci, AFBPS
O’Rourke M.M. and Hammond S.M. (1996) Keep your Cool: Managing Anger. HMHT: Guildford.
O’Rourke, M., Hammond, S.M., Smith, S., & Davies, E.J. (1998). Risk Assessment, Management and Audit System: Professional Manual. RAMAS: London
Hammond S.M. & O’Rourke M.M. (1998) The RAMAS Anger Assessment Profile (RAAP) Users Manual. The RAMAS Foundation. London.
Hammond , S. & O'Rourke, M. (1999) The Psychometric Development of RAMAS. Department of Health: London.
O’Rourke, M., and Titley, K. (1999) Examination of the Liaison Psychiatric Service. NHS Surrey.
O’Rourke, M., and Hammond, S. (2000) Risk management: Towards Safe Sound and Supportive Service. Department of Health: London.
Hammond S., and O’Rourke M. (2000) A Psychometric Model of Risk Assessment. Department of Health: London.
O’Rourke, M., Van der Watt, D. and Picardo, M. (2001) Domestic Violence: A Practitioner’s Handbook. National Health Service: London.
O’Rourke, M. & Hammond, S. (2001) An Introduction to Personality Disorder. Monograph commissioned and published by the Mental Health Foundation, U.K.
O'Rourke, M. (2003) Start Safe ... Stay Safe. The Handbook for Risk Management in Primary Care. RAMAS: London ISBN 1-903165-10-5.
O’Rourke, M., Hammond, S., Bucknall, M. & Ostling, M. (2003) Multi-agency Risk Management: Safeguarding Public Safety and Individual Care. RAMAS: London. ISBN 1-903165-09-1.
O’Rourke, M., and Hammond, S. (2004) RAMAS: Risk Assessment Management and Audit Systems Professional Manual. 2nd Edition. RAMAS Foundation, London.
O’Rourke, M. (2004) Lifematters: A Personal Support Plan. RAMAS Foundation, London.
O’Rourke, M. (2005) Training the Trainers: RAMAS Handbook. 2nd Edition. RAMAS Foundation London.
O’Rourke M.M. & Hammond S.M. (2005) The Risk Assessment, Management and Audit System (RAMAS) Professional Manual: 2nd Edition. The RAMAS Foundation. London.
O’Rourke, M. and Bailes G. (2006) Risk Assessment and Management. British Psychological Society: Leicester.
O’Rourke, M., and Hammond, S. (2006) My Lifematters: RAMAS Foundation, Vancouver, Canada.
O’Rourke, M. (2007) Risk and Safety in Clinical Practice. RAMAS: London.
O’Rourke, M. and Dwyer, C. (2007) My Lifematters : Trainers Guide. RAMAS Foundation, Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
Devonshire P., Hammond S. and O’Rourke, M. (2007) Psychological Assessment in Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder Services. British Psychological Society Position Paper: Leicester. In Preparation.
Hammond S.M. and O’Rourke M.M.(1984) A psychometric investigation of the Body Cathexis Scale. Personality and Individual Differences, Vol 4, 603-607.
O’Rourke M.M., and Taylor J. (1987) Predicting relapse precipitance among heroin addicts. British Journal of Psychiatry. 151:240-3.
Hammond S.M. and O’Rourke M.M. (1987) Characteristics of drug abusing school children. Scottish Office of Home and Health.
O’Rourke, M., Hammond, S.M., Davies, E.J. (1997). Risk Assessment and Risk Management: The Way Forward, Psychiatric Care, 4(3): 104-106.
O'Rourke, M. Relapse Prevention with assaultative offenders. Psychiatric Care 4 (5) 1997.
O’Rourke, M. (1999) Dangerousness: How best to manage the risk: The Therapist, 6,(2), 11-13.
O’Rourke, M. (1999) RAMAS: The partnership approach to risk. Crisispoint, (9),: The Mental Health Foundation. 12-18.
O’Rourke, M., Smith, S. and McGeachy O. (1999) Public Safety: The Challenge confronted. Department of Health/NHS: London.
O'Rourke, M. & Titley, K. (1999) Towards Safe, Sound, Supportive Service: Staff Training and support. A report on Interagency Risk Management Training. NHS Internal paper.
O'Rourke, M. Safeguarding Public Safety and Reducing Risk with Mentally Disordered Offenders. The Magistrate (Nov) 2001.
O’Rourke, M. and Titley K. (2000) Community Safety, Risk Prevention and Community Care. Review on inter-agency risk management training in the states of Jersey. Jersey Health Authority.
O'Rourke,M. and Bird, L. (2001) Risk Management in Mental Health. Position paper for the Mental Health Foundation, London.
O'Rourke, M. & Hammond, S. (2002) Multi-Agency Risk Management: Position Paper: Department of Health: London.
Hammond S.M. and O’Rourke M.M. (2004) Developing a psychometric model of risk. Issues in Forensic Psychology, 5, 100-114. 2004.
Hammond S.M., O’Rourke M.M., O’Sullivan D. and Horgan J. (2006) Passive Aggression: A psychometric tool. Assessment. Submitted.
Hammond S.M. and O’Rourke M.M. (2007) Measurement of Individual Change: A Didactic Account of an Idiographic Approach. Psychology, Crime and Law, 5, 100-114.
Hammond S.M., Hare R. O’Rourke M. (2007) A Rasch modeling of the Psychopathy Checklist- Revised. Psychological Assessment. Submitted.
Hammond S.M. and O'Rourke M.M. (2007) The Surrey Anger Profile. Personality and Individual Differences. Accepted.
O’Rourke, M., and Hammond, S. (2007) Risk Assessment in Forensic Practice. Issues in Forensic Psychology No.6. 32 – 40.
* = Keynote Addresses
*O'Rourke, M. (2000) Public Safety and Individual Care: Community Risk Management with "Severe" Personality Disorder. Invited Workshop International Conference on Psychological Solutions to Personality Disorder, Leeds.
O'Rourke, M. (2000) Towards Fail-safe Risk Management Invited paper presented at International Conference on Psychological Solutions to Personality Disorder. Leeds.
O'Rourke, M. & Health, B. (2000) RAMAS works with Jersey. International Conference on Celebrating Excellence in Probation. London.
*O'Rourke, M. (2000) Risk Assessment, Management and Audit. Invited paper presented to Forensic Learning Disability Conference. Lanark, Scotland.
O'Rourke, M. (2000) Competency Based Training for Risk. SERO National Conference Guildhall, Winchester.
O'Rourke, M. (2001) The Future Management of Mentally Disordered offenders. The Capita Conference, London.
*O'Rourke, M. (2001) Protective Privilege ends where Public Peril begins: Prediction or Prevention? Paper presented to Research and Clinical governance group Royal College of Psychiatrists. London. (March 2001).
*O'Rourke, M. (2001) New Perspectives, New Challenges in Risk Management Winchester, Guildhall, Hants, U.K.
*O’Rourke,M (2002) Readiness and Ressponsivity:Contributing to effective Programmes. International What Works Conference, University of Cardiff.
*O’Rourke, M. (2004) Emotional Intelligence and Clinical Practice within the 4-systems model. 1st International Conference of the Forensic Clinical Psychology Faculty.
O’Rourke, M. and Kelly, M. (2004) ‘Learning Logs – lessons for Students’. Staff Conference Paper, Health Research Day, UCC.
*O’Rourke, M. (2004) ‘Dangerness’ Risk Management BPS Conference, Belfast.
*O’Rourke, M (2005) Risk, Need and Responsivity : Working from effective baselines. International Conference on the Management and Treatment of Offenders. Home Office DSPD Programme, York.
Hammond, S., Hare, B., and O’Rourke M. (2005) A RASCH Modelling of the PCL-R. 1st International Conference for the Society of the Scientific Study of Psychopathy, Vancouver, B.C. Columbia.
O’Rourke, M., Hammond, S., O’Flynn, S. and O’Sullivan, D. (2005) ‘Evaluating Stress and Well Being in Medical students’. Health Research Day, UCC.
O’Rourke, M., Hammond, S. and O’Sullivan, D. (2006) ‘Lifematters: An Evaluation of a Programme promoting Child Safety’. Conference Paper, Health Research Day, UCC.
O’Rourke, M., Hammond, S., Noone, C. and O’Flynn, S. (2006) Taking your Partners: Risk Management in Mental Health. Conference Paper, Health Research Day, UCC.
Hammond, S. and O’Rourke, M. (2006) ‘Modelling Anti-Social Symptoms: The Rasch Model and Forensic Assessment’. International Association of Forensic Mental Health, Amsterdam.
O’Rourke, M. and Bailes, G. (2006) ‘But have I done a Risk Assessment: Issues in balancing Risk Assessment and Management’. BPS invited Symposium, University of Lancaster, Preston, July 2006.
O’Rourke, M., Hammond, S., Smith, S., O’Flynn, S., Boylan, G., Doran, K., and Henn, P. (2007) Safeguarding Doctors, Protecting Patients: Medicine and Health Conference, Summer.
Hammond, S., O’Rourke, M. and Smith, S. (2007) Assessment: A Spotlight on Measurement in Forensic Practice’. BPS faculty of Forensic Clinical Psychology Conference, Spring.
O’Rourke, M., Hammond, S. and Smith, S. (2007) Anger Management: The Keep your Cool Programme. BPS Conference Faculty of Forensic Clinical Psychology, Spring.
O’Rourke M. and Hammond S. (2007) Prediction or Management: An integrated system for the management of high risk violent offenders. 30th International Congress on Law and Mental Health. Padua, Italy.
O’Rourke, M. & Hammond, S. (1999) Domestic Violence Assessment Profile: Assaulters Form.
O'Rourke, M. & Hammond, S. (1999) Domestic Violence Assessment Profile: Victims Form.
Hammond,S & O’Rourke, M (1999) Heathlands Risk Assessment Schedule NHS, Surrey.
O'Rourke, M. & Hammond, S. (2000) The RAAP Anger Assessment Profile Psychometric Norms and Professional Manual: London: ISBN 1-903165-02-4
O’Rourke, M & Hammond, S (2001) Risk Assessment, Management and Audit Systems, RAMAS, London.
In addition to the output listed above I am the author of a number of self-help . books written specifically for patients (approximately 40 pages each). These are all highly structured peer reviewed CBT oriented programmes that take a step by step approach to problem mastery. The nature of the problems addressed reflects my own clinical practice.
O’Rourke M. (1992) Time to Stop: A step by step guide to help you stop using drugs. ISBN 1-903165-407-5
O’Rourke M. (1993) Thinking about Drinking: A step by step guide to help you change you drinking habits (Revised 2003). ISBN 1-903165-08-3
O’Rourke M. and Hammond S. (1994) Keep Your Cool: A step by step guide to help you manage anger problems. ISBN 1-903165-05-8
O’Rourke M. and Davies J. (1995) Keep Safe at Work: A guide for dealing with difficult situations and hostile or aggressive people. RAMAS: London
O’Rourke M. and Davies J. (1996) Tough Love: A step by step guide to preventing domestic violence. RAMAS: London
O’Rourke M. and Davies J. (1996) Home Improvements: A step by step guide to ending domestic violence and abuse.: RAMAS: London
O’Rourke M. and Titley K. (1999) Triumph over Trauma: A thoroughly practical and structured guide to recovery from trauma. ISBN 1-903165-03-8
O’Rourke M (2001) Stress Less. Unpublished.
Dr. Margaret O'Rourke
Margaret O’Rourke is a Consultant Forensic Clinical Psychologist and Director of Behavioural Science at the School of Medicine, University College Cork. A UCC graduate, Doctor O’Rourke completed a Masters of Science in Psychological Medicine at Glasgow University and a doctorate in Forensic Clinical Psychology at Surrey University in 1995. She is a founder and Director of Mental Health for the RAMAS Foundation based in the UK, Ireland and Canada. Doctor O’Rourke published and presented on a wide range of topics including Mental Health Treatments, Risk Management, Stress Management, Anger Management, Addictions, Trauma, Violence Reduction and Public Safety. She is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and member of the Psychological Society of Ireland and the American Psychological Association. Margaret O’Rourke has recently been awarded CHARTERED SCIENTIST by the British Science Council.