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The Boolean: Creators, Communicators and Evaluators of Knowledge

8 Dec 2022
The team of PhD and Postdoctoral students who revived the journal. It was officially launch by Professor Stephen Byrne, Deputy President, and Registrar. The relaunch of the journal was supported by Professor Ruth Ramsey, Dean of Graduate Studies, Professor Alan Kelly, Vice Dean for External Engagement and Vice Dean of College (SEFS), and the UCC Graduate Attributes Programme.

The Boolean is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to sharing the research of UCC’s PhD students, with the aim of connecting PhD students across the various departments and colleges of UCC, and to share their research in accessible language.



It was originally founded in 2010 and ran until 2015, and has now been revived. There are over 1000 doctoral students registered at UCC, conducting research in almost every field of academia. The Boolean provides these students with a forum to describe their research and share their passion and curiosity with the general public and wider university community.

Journal submissions are in the form of short papers, which are evaluated according to intelligibility and coherence for non-technical readers during the peerreview process. The first issue of the revived journal was published in December 2022 and features 35 articles.

The Graduate Attributes Programme were proud to be one of the many supporters of The Boolean relaunch and we want to congratulate the cross-disciplinary team of postgraduate students who drove its revival.

Click here to access the journal. 

Graduate Attributes Programme

5, Brighton Villas, (First Floor) Western Road, University College Cork, T12 EC95
