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SDG Mapping Tools

Brief Instructional Video on the SDG Mapping Tools

Transcript for SDG Mapping Instruction Video

Mapping Your Module to the SDGs

Your curriculum can be mapped to specific SDGs and SDG Targets using the Interactive Mapping Tool by clicking on the below yellow icon "Module Mapping Tool". Alternatively you can download the Mapping Tool in Excel format by clicking "Mapping Your Module to the SDGs". You might learn of innate connections with the SDGs which you can surface and signpost so that your students recognize connections between their learning and larger societal issues.  This tool is also designed as a reflexive guide for further integration of SDGs into your curriculum e.g. assessments, learning outcomes and action-oriented pedagogies. 

Mapping Your Module to the SDGs can be downloaded freely here.

Mapping a Course of Study to the SDGs

A course of studies or programme can also be mapped to specific SDGs and SDG Targets using the Interactive Mapping Tool by clicking on the below yellow icon "Course Mapping Tool".  Alternatively your can download the Mapping Tool in Excel format by clicking on "Mapping a Course of Study to the SDGs". Programme coordinators and their teams can develop treatment of the SDGs as a common thread through their course of study with each module emphasizing SDGs and SDG Targets in a cohesive manner.  You can add/delete columns within the Excel table as needed.

Mapping a Course of Study to the SDGs can be downloaded freely as an Excel spreadsheet.

Students Mapping Their Module to the SDGs

You might find it useful to have your students map their module to the SDGs using the Interactive Mapping Tool by clicking on the below yellow icon "Student Mapping Tool". Alternatively you can download the Mapping Tool in Excel format by clicking on "Students Mapping Your Module to the SDGs". This would have the dual function of understanding their grasp of the SDGs while also gaining insight into their perspective on module content.  Students could work individually or in groups and you might also modify the scoring protocol to fit your needs.

Students Mapping Your Module to the SDGs can be downloaded freely as an Excel spreadsheet.

Mapping Your Research to the SDGs

This SDG mapping technique may also help you identify direct linkages between your research and SDG Targets/Indicators. To map your research click on the below yellow icon "Research Mapping Tool" to access the interactive Mapping Tool. Alternatively you can download the Mapping Tool in Excel Format by clicking on "Mapping Your Research to the SDGs". Once linkages are identified, you may see opportunities to discuss your own research in the context of your lectures.  This strategy could have the added utility of helping students develop a disciplinary understanding of the research process which could provide a framework for their own inquiry-based learning activities.  Such a technique would also align with UCC 2022: Delivering a Connected University calling for further integration of research into the curriculum.

You may also find this tool useful when preparing grant proposals since many funding sources now favour research projects relevant to SDGs.  You may wish to modify the scoring criteria and reflective questions to align with your particular funding call.

Mapping Your Research to the SDGs can be downloaded here as an Excel spreadsheet.

SDG Toolkit for Teaching and Learning

UCC Green Campus Programme & the Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning

Creative Commons License
SDG Curriculum Toolkit by John Barimo, Catherine O’Mahony, Gerard Mullally, John O’Halloran, Edmond Byrne, Darren Reidy, Maria Kirrane is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
