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NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentships 2023

2 Mar 2023

The National University of Ireland is pleased to offer the NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentships in 2023.

NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentships

Disciplines:  all disciplines, including interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary

Value: up to €106,000 over 4 years

Closing date: Monday, 27 March 2023

More information:


The NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentships offered in Humanities and Social Sciences include Business, Law and Psychology. The NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentships offered in Sciences and Engineering include all branches of Sciences, Engineering and Architecture. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary Studentships are eligible and encouraged to apply.


The NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentships are open to NUI graduates planning on pursuing doctoral research with a substantial travel component. Travelling Doctoral Studentships facilitate NUI graduates to pursue doctoral research outside of Ireland. First year doctoral students are also eligible to apply for this award.

Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
