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Environment and Behaviour

Your physical environment is an important factor in your wellbeing, as is the structure and routine (behaviour) you follow. During times of challenge and crisis it might be difficult to control all aspects of our physical space. But where possible, it's important to bring structure and routine to your environment and behaviour. 


Routine is very important. 

  • Develop routines and rituals that you use each day
  • Create and follow a daily routine - keep it simple and structured (KISS)
  • Make a list - decide on 3-5 prioties that you endeavour to complete each day
  • Limit time spend on COVID-19 related updates (2 blocks of 15 mins per day checking reliable sources such as the UCC COVID 19 site)
  • Spend time in nature, where possible and safe

[Source: LifeMatters]

Creating a schedule

Creating a schedule for yourself will help you with your routine. 

Use our templates to set up a schedule that suits you: 


Weekly Study Planner

Daily Schedule Suggestion 2019

Daily Study Plan


Physical Environment for Study

It's important to set up your study environment to make it easy for you to learn and retain your material. 

  • Get yourself a good chair and table and avoid studying from your bed (if possible)
  • Find a space where you won't be disturbed by family or housemates
  • Look to have good lighting and the right temperature
  • Consider using noise cancelling headphones or ear-plugs
  • Cut out distractions (put your devices on aeroplane or do not disturb mode)

[Source: UCC Disability Support Service]

The UCC Skills' Centre has great information, guides and resources for preparing for your exams

Taking Breaks

It is important to take breaks to maximise productivity and the laying down of memory. 

Study Break Success - Tips for managing study breaks by Lisa Halton, UCC DSS.

Here are 6 short videos guiding you through how to take a good short break – ideas range from breathing exercises to chair yoga to juggling! Created by Kathryn Sheehan, UCC DSS.

Keep Well

Bí Sláintúil

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC,
