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Online Sessions 2020

Online Sessions 2020

2020 Sessions

All session start at 11.00 am unless stated otherwise and last for 1 hour

Session Date


Transitioning to a Leadership Role &
Different Leadership Styles


Presentation is here Making that Transition

17th April


Mary O’Regan

Career Planning for you & Listening to your team

Presentation is here Career Planning for you

24th April


Mary O’Regan

Managing a Research Team

Presentation is here  Managing a Research Team

27th April Mary O’Regan

How to prepare a non-academic CV

Presentation is here CV's and Job Applications

30th April Mary O’Regan
Planning for a Career beyond Academia?           

7th May


Mary O’Regan

Interview Skills

Presentation is here Interview Techniques

8th May

Anne Gannon


Presentation is here Mentoring for Researchers

13th May at 10.00 am

Mary Horgan

Commercial Awareness and Knowledge Transfer       

Presentation is here Commercial Awareness          

15th May

David Corkery

Blogging for Researchers 

See:  Blogging Handout

Date to be Announced

Markus Eichhorn 

Sourcing and Accessing Non-Academic Career Opportunities

Presentation is here  Finding non-academic jobs

21st May

Mary McCarthy
Innovation and Entrepreneurship

27th May

Eamon Curtin
Leading a Research Team

28th May

Anne Gannon
Supervising and Working with PhD Students

3rd July

Catherine O'Mahony
Learning & Teaching  10th July

Laura Lee

Statistics for Researchers

See link to recorded session here

4th September

Kathleen O'Sullivan

Research Integrity:What you need to know

See link to recorded session here

11th September

Irene Kavanagh

Preparing your Research Project Budget

The objective of this training programme is to give the user the fundamental financial knowledge required to prepare a budget to support an application for research project funding. It addresses the compliance requirements to be considered from both UCC and funding agency perspectives. The use of practical examples will demonstrate how to accurately forecast key project costs, such as pay and equipment costs whilst also explaining differences between direct and indirect costs


Due to technical issues this session will be rescheduled

Date to be confirmed

Kevin Goggin

Motivation Skills for Research Staff  

Motivation is difficult to define, yet easy to lose. This workshop examines how researchers can enhance or recover their motivation from a theoretical and practical point of view. A three-stage plan to reset researcher motivation will be presented. Procrastination is a particular manifestation of reduced motivation and a toolkit for reducing procrastination will be co-developed in the workshop.

See link to recorded version of this session 

Thursday 24th September

at 10.30 am


Joanne Fearon 

Blogging for Researchers

Why should you blog, what do you have to say, and will anyone read it? Blogging provides a means of share your research and opinions in an informal format, while also enabling two-way communication and discussion. Through blogging you can join or create an online community and promote your work to a wider audience.

Blogging for Researchers 

See:  Blogging Handout

Recording links available

Markus Eichhorn

Maximizing Personal Effectiveness

Everyone knows people who just seem to get more done. This workshop has been designed to interrogate the personal characteristics that support such professional productivity. Topics covered include effective time management, prioritisation and action programme planning.

See link to recording of session and slides here Professional Effectiveness

9th October

Joanne Fearon

Career Planning for you!

  • Why it's important to plan your career
  • Steps to consider
  • Setting SMART objectives
  • Stretching your plan without becoming unrealistic
  • Measuring your plan during the year

See link to the presentation hereCareer Planning for You

16th October

Mary O'Regan

Leading a Research Team 

Learning outcomes:

  • To explore what leadership is and to identify the differences between management and leadership
  • To identify what make leaders effective
  • To reflect and gain some insight into our own leadership style and approach

Presentations Leading a Research Team and Dr Michael Nolan Background

Link to recorded session is here

23rd October 

Anne Gannon

Communicating your Research

Researchers typically develop significant expertise and are comfortable communicating the customary style of their academic discipline. However, this may limit the availability of their research to a lay audience. This workshop pares back the concepts of communication to the basics to examine alternative styles of communication to support researchers in bringing their research to wider, more diverse publics.  

See link to recorded session here

6th November

Joanne Fearon

Commercial Awareness and Knowledge Transfer

The topic will explain why commercialisation of research is important and how UCC Innovation will work on behalf of UCC and your research to create impact from UCC’s ideas and expertise .

The session also covers international and national innovation policies
How does Knowledge Transfer work in a university. How we create impact from your research in the commercial arena.

See presentation here Commercial awareness

See link to recorded session here

13th November

David Corkery

Data Management

During this session participants will look at the structure and content of research data management plans. The session will also consider the requirements of FAIR and/or Open Data and how you can adapt your data management plan to result in a shareable and reusable dataset post-project.


See presentation here  Data Management

20th November

Aoife Coffey

CV's for Beyond Academia

  • Understand where CV’s sit in the overall Recruitment process​​
  • How to construct a CV for beyond academia - Competency based
  • How to articulate your research skills to a non-academic organisation

See presentaion here Non-Academic CV Presentation

27th November

Mary O'Regan

Getting organised - a short, sharp data tidiness bootcamp

Have you ever looked for a file and not found it? Have you ever wondered which is the final version of a document you are collaborating on? This workshop is designed to help you improve your data “housekeeping”. From research data management planning through to Post-project warehousing, practical tools and techniques to help systemise data management will be discussed.

See presentation here Data Tidiness

4th December

Joanne Fearon

Transitioning to a Leadership Role &
Different Leadership Styles

This session explores the ups and downs of transitioning to a leadership role.  It encourages participants to reflect on their own leadership style.

See presentation here Making that Transition

11th December

at 2.00pm

Mary O'Regan


Department of Human Resources - HR Research

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
