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Learning & Teaching with the SDGs

Learning & Teaching with the SDGs

About Learning & Teaching with the SDGs
Future proof your curriculum by embedding sustainability into your teaching practice. Many of you knowingly or unknowingly align your teaching and research with the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  and you’ll learn here to be more explicit and intentional in doing so. This short, self-paced course was designed to result in usable outputs, while linking to key theory and policy.

In this course you will explore the connections between your module content and SDG targets and find ways to deepen the integration of sustainability into your teaching to create genuine and transformative experiences for your students. This self-paced short course was developed as a collaboration between the Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning and UCC Green Campus.

It is open to all staff who support student learning and can be completed to gain digital accreditation, i.e., a digital badge, or simply explored out of interest. It consists of four modules as outlined below. The digital badge corresponds to ~16 hours of participant effort.

The step-wise approach taken in this course will ensure you achieve the following Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify students' perspectives on the SDGs.
  2. Explain the background to and rationale for the SDGs and the UN 2030 Agenda.
  3. Map the links between your module and the SDGs and SDG Target(s), and how your discipline or module sits within the SDG framework.
  4. Reflect on ways to further embed SDGs in your curriculum.
  5. Modify or (re)design your module/teaching based on your learning from this course. 


What people are saying about Learning & Teaching with the SDGs

“I think there is an appetite amongst young people now, our students, to learn about sustainable development”.

“As engineers and other disciplinaries, we need to actually look beyond our own disciplinary silos and look at other ways of doing things. It means a more active learning environment, a more peer learning environment, and a more engaged learning environment than certainly would be traditionally the case in engineering”.

“We need to take a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to these issues. One of the most important things that we can do is have students as equal co-creators in this process because we want to develop a curriculum for sustainable development that equips students with the knowledge that they need and that will maximise both teaching and learning experiences.”

Get Started (click here

Learning and Teaching with the SDGs was funded by National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education under the “Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding in Higher Education 2020” scheme. 
