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UCC Pharmacy Society's "Perrigo Scholarship Information Evening" was an enriching event for students and staff.

16 Feb 2021

On Monday the 8th of February, UCC Pharmacy Society held the "Perrigo Scholarships Information Evening".  This evening was to promote and inform the BPharm students of UCC about this exciting, new opportunity organised by the society in collaboration with Perrigo Company Ltd and The School of Pharmacy. 

It offers a €750 scholarship to one student in each of the current BPharm years. The event was a rousing success with peak attendance of one hundred and ten. (Perhaps it was best the event could only be held online as few in-person venues would have been able to accommodate such numbers!)

The event was hosted by Jack Murray and Elaine Cullinane, Chairperson and Finance Officer of the Pharmacy Society. Mr. Paul Hatton, National Field Sales Controller of Perrigo kicked off the event and provided the students with a superb insight into the work of Perrigo, particularly how they liaise with community pharmacies across the country, and the various career opportunities the company has for pharmacists. Mr. Hatton provided the attendees with an appreciation of the retail/business aspect of pharmacy, which as Professor Griffin rightly pointed out the current pharmacy curriculum does not address and thus Mr. Hatton’s presentation gifted the students with something truly invaluable.

Jack and Elaine then presented details of the scholarship to the students. Their presentation was designed to answer questions surrounding the scholarship, from “Where did the idea come from?” to “How do I apply?”. They outlined how this scholarship is different from the rest. It is not based on academia or their CV. It does not involve the composition of an essay. Instead, students are to prepare a 2-3minute video on the topic “A Pharmacy Student’s Wellness Toolbox.”

BPharm students can enter by enrolling on the Canvas Course via the link provided in an email circulated by the School of Pharmacy on Monday the 8th.

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
