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The School of Pharmacy, UCC Hosts IMSN Conference on Medication Safety with Focus on Collaboration

28 Nov 2023
Picture: Tomás Tyner

The Irish Medication Safety Network (IMSN) hosted their annual Conference, themed 'Smarter technology for a safer tomorrow', in the Aula Maxima, University College Cork on Friday November 24th. 

The conference brought together leading experts in medication safety from across Ireland and beyond to discuss the latest innovations and best practices in using technology to improve patient outcomes.

Minister Simon Coveney TD, Enterprise, Trade and Employment Minister, opened the conference, acknowledging the IMSN's significant role in promoting medication safety in Ireland. He emphasized the importance of collaboration and collective knowledge in addressing medication safety challenges.

The conference featured a range of presentations and discussions on topics such as e-health, e-prescribing, and medication optimization. Delegates also had the opportunity to learn about medication safety initiatives and quality improvement projects being implemented across Ireland.

The conference was closed by Professor Laura Sahm, Vice Dean of School of Pharmacy, UCC, who commended the IMSN on organizing an "exceptional" conference and expressed the School of Pharmacy's commitment to continued collaboration with the Network.

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
