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The School of Pharmacy, OSCE-ology course with Prof. Zubin Austin, June 14th-16th 2021

17 May 2021

The School of Pharmacy, UCC is delighted to welcome Prof. Zubin Austin to deliver a course on OSCE-ology to our team and our healthcare education colleagues with an interest in OSCE’s as a form of assessment.

Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) have emerged as the gold standard for performance-based assessment in health professionals.  Many educational programs use OSCEs but may not utilize them to the best of their potential, or develop stations in ways that optimize reliability, validity, and psychometric defensibility.  This interactive workshop will introduce participants to the principles of effective and defensible OSCE design and implementation.  Working in small groups, participants will fully participate in case writing, review/validation, and standard-setting processes, and discuss ways of enhancing the sustainability of OSCE programs in their courses.  Upon completion of this course, all participants will share a jointly constructed case bank of validated OSCE cases that can be used to jump-start the development and implementation of an OSCE program. Please contact for further information.

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
