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School of Pharmacy hosts the first Annual Meeting of InPharma EU training network

14 Jul 2022

The first Annual Meeting of the InPharma EU network was held at the School of Pharmacy at UCC in Cork, Ireland between 20-24th June 2022. Approximately 70 participants attended this 5-day event, with a full-breakdown of the programme available here.

One particular highlight of the InPharma Annual Meeting 2022 was the Open Symposium, which had the theme of ‘Advancing an integrated, animal-free, end-to-end modelling approach to oral drug product development’. There was an exciting list of speakers at the event, including speakers from HPRA and Industry. The other days concentrated more specifically on topics in the InPharma Training network and were closed to InPharma members.

InPharma is a European Industrial Doctorate (EID) funded (€ 3.47 Million) from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions and is coordinated by Prof Brendan Griffin from the School of Pharmacy, UCC. The InPharma project is working towards making drug development more predictable and reducing animal testing in drug development by using a fully integrated, animal-free, end-to-end modelling approach to the formulation of drugs for oral administration.

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
