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School of Pharmacy Hosts PIER Industry Career Information Event

15 Nov 2019
Peter Twomey (PIER & HPRA) addresses attendees and introduces panelists at the School of Pharmacy Hosted PIER Industry Career Information Evening

The School of Pharmacy, in collaboration with UCC Pharmacy Society, hosted an industry career information event organised by PIER in the Brookfield Health Science Complex on Thursday 14th November 2019.

PIER (Pharmacists in Industry Education and Regulatory) is a voluntary organisation representing the interests of pharmacists employed or interested in careers in non-patient facing roles in the life sciences industry, in education and in the regulatory sector in Ireland.

Introducing proceedings, Dr. Brendan Griffin thanked PIER for organising the event and described how the organisation has grown in size, in influence and in stature since its beginnings in 2012. PIER committee member Peter Twomey, also of the HPRA, gave attendees an overview of the life sciences industry in Ireland, highlighting that more than 30,000 people directly employed in over 75 biopharmaceutical companies in Ireland. Louise Clarke of AbbVie provided students with practical advice about CV and interview preparation and encouraged them to differentiate themselves by gaining work experience in an area they are passionate about and getting involved in clubs and societies.

Attendees then heard from an expert panel of pharmacists working in a range of non-patient facing roles from across the life science industry. The wide range of opportunities were highlighted, spanning the areas of discovery and development, clinical, medical and regulatory affairs, manufacturing and technical support and commercial supply. The panellists emphasized the value of a pharmacy degree and highlighted that the transferable skillset possessed by pharmacists is much sought after and respected in industry. Pharmacists in attendance were also encouraged not to fear making a career change and that it is never too late to transition their pharmacist career.

The School of Pharmacy would like to thank PIER for organising this event, and to speakers on the evening, Peter Twomey (PIER and HPRA), Louise Clarke (AbbVie), Sophie Barry (UCB), Mary Guinee (Pfizer), Des Lucey (GSK), Maria McCarra (Lilly), Peter McNally (QM Specials), David O’Sullivan (Recordati) and Enrique Vila (Lilly). Membership of PIER is open to all pharmacists, interns and students with an interest in industry, education and regulatory sectors. For information on future events, on current roles in industry or on membership of PIER, please visit or email

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
