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School of Pharmacy host first Annual Meeting of PEARRL EU training network

20 Jun 2017

The first Annual Meeting of the PEARRL EU network is being held at the School of Pharmacy at UCC in Cork, Ireland between 19-23 June 2017. 

Between 70-100 participants are expected for this 5-day event (19–23 June 2017) with 40 sessions dedicated to developing innovative drug formulation strategies and regulatory tools designed to expedite the development of emerging drug molecules into new licensed medicines. A breakdown of the programme[GB1] [MA2]  is listed below:

  • 19 June: Bio-enabling formulations for improving oral drug delivery
  • 20 June: Molecule to market: an industrial perspective
  • 21 June: Regulatory Science Symposium - Regulatory Support of Innovation in the Pharmaceutical industry (Open symposium)
  • 22 June: PEARRL Researcher Symposium
  • 23 June: Transferable & Generic Skills training workshops

Some of the highlights of the PEARRLs of Wisdom Week include the open Regulatory Science Symposium on 21 June. The theme for the Open Symposium is 'Regulatory Support of Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry'. There is an exciting list of speakers at the event, including speakers from HPRA, EMA, MHRA and BfArM. More information on the Symposium and registration can be found on The Symposium is open to external participants from local industry and regulatory agencies. 

The other days will concentrate more specifically on topics in the PEARRL Training network and are closed to PEARRL members.

PEARRL (Pharmaceutical Education And Research with Regulatory Links) is a European Training Network (ETN) funded (€ 4 million) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions) and is co-ordinated by Dr. Brendan Griffin from the School of Pharmacy, University College Cork (UCC). Research in PEARRL is focused on developing innovative drug formulation strategies and regulatory tools designed to expedite the development of emerging drug molecules into new licensed medicines.

To receive live updates and photos during the event follow us on twitter @pearrl_eu



School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
