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School of Pharmacy and School of Chemistry postgraduate researcher awarded IRC 2021 'Medal of Excellence'

6 Dec 2021

Michelle O'Driscoll, a first year PhD student in the Schools of Pharmacy and Chemistry under the supervision of Dr. Tim O'Sullivan, has been awarded the Jane Grimson Medal of Excellence for being the top ranked STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) applicant in the IRC GOIPG (Government of Ireland Postgraduate) scheme this year.

The objective of Ms. O’Driscoll’s research is to tackle antimicrobial resistance by interfering with bacterial communication. When asked about what motivates her to work in this area, Michelle said: “Although people are understandably concerned about Covid-19, there is another major threat on the horizon. Bacteria which are resistant to antibiotics currently result in 33,000 deaths per annum in Europe alone. By 2050, 10 million people are expected to die each year as a result of antimicrobial resistance related infections. Antimicrobial resistance is estimated to cost Europeans an estimated €1.5 billion annually in healthcare expenses and productivity losses. Our healthcare systems are highly dependent on antibiotics, so these figures are worrying. They emphasise to me how new strategies are urgently required to deal with this growing crisis. I am taking on the challenge of discovering new solutions to antimicrobial resistance for sick patients, enabling them to live healthy and fulfilling lives.”



Every year, in addition to the Researcher of the Year awards, the Irish Research Council presents ‘Medals of Excellence’ to four early-career researchers.

Each of the ‘Medals of Excellence’ has been named after previous Chairs of the Irish Research Council and recognise excellence in the 2021 postgraduate and postdoctoral funding calls run by the Council in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and the arts, humanities and social sciences (AHSS).

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
