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PharmSoc’s Mind your Mind Mental Health and Self-Care Conference increases awareness of the importance of looking after oneself

17 May 2023
Pictured: Laura Dowling

As the term of the current School of Pharmacy’s PharmSoc Committee, under the stewardship of Chairperson Gráinne Barrett, comes to an end on 31 May next, it is appropriate at this stage in the academic calendar to highlight some further student experience initiatives that PharmSoc organised for its fellow colleagues during the academic year.

On Sunday, 26 of February last, PharmSoc held a one-day mental health and self-care conference entitled 'Tabhair Aire Dod Intinn' which is the Irish translation for 'Mind your Mind.' The conference took place in UCC’s Brookfield complex and welcomed an array of students, staff, parents and the general public alike. The event was held in collaboration with UCC’s Sámh (Suicide Awareness and Mental Health) Society.

The event’s six speakers included Laura Dowling, Dr. Michelle O'Driscoll, Maura O'Neill, Paul Hatton, Sinead Pierce and Mark Jordan.

Laura Dowling, also known online as the Fabulous Pharmacist, spoke about her self-care tips and the background of her brand being to promote overall good physical and mental health. She gave attendees tips on how to achieve a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Pharmacist Dr. Michelle O'Driscoll spoke about the research she has conducted surrounding resilience, burnout and the seven pillars of self-care. She highlighted that self-care is not always about the more positive choice and that sometimes things like saying no, wallowing, having space, and having rest can be just as beneficial in minding our minds.

Maura O’Neill is UCC's mindfulness coach, and she used her speaking slot to teach everyone mindfulness techniques that can be utilised in any scenario.

Paul Hatton, National Field Sales Controller for over-the-counter pharmaceutical company Perrigo, spoke about the firm being recognised as a global self-care player but also the importance of prioritising self-care and good mental health amongst employees in the workplace. He drew light upon the ways in which Perrigo promote and prioritise their employees' work and personal lifestyles.

Sinead Pierce is a peer support worker with the Health Services Executive (HSE) who spoke about her personal experience with mental health and how she now provides a support to patients who are going through the same experience.

Finally, Mayo-based community pharmacist and activist Mark Jordan had a very moving segment within which he spoke about his life as a student, where his mental health was at, what he would advise students to look after their mental health and how he now practices self-care. 

PharmSoc would like to thank all the fantastic speakers who agreed to take part in the event, and we hope everyone enjoyed the conference. 

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
