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MPharm’s Dan Beechinor awarded the NUI 2023 HH Steward Health Sciences Prize in Pharmacy

30 Nov 2023
Dan Beechinor

Many congratulations to MPharm student Dan Beechinor who has been awarded the 2023 Dr HH Stewart Health Sciences Prize in Pharmacy from the National University of Ireland (NUI) at their awards ceremony in Croke Park.

This award is presented to the highest achieving student in their respective discipline based on academic performance.  Dan received his award in recognition of his brilliant BPharm degree results where he achieved the highest grade of his class.

Dan wishes to extend his gratitude to the UCC’s School of Pharmacy for nominating him for the award, as well as his lecturers, mentors and colleagues for their invaluable guidance and support throughout his studies. Dan wishes to further thank Dr. Maria Donovan.  Dr. Donovan is currently Dan’s MPharm project mentor and was Dan’s literature review supervisor.  Dan is equally grateful to his family and friends for their constant encouragement and motivation throughout his pharmacy studies and beyond.

Dan is currently an MPharm student in UCC’s Pharmacy School and looks forward to commencing his 8 month pre-registration community pharmacy internship in Sam McCauley’s in January 2024.


HH Stewart Award

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
