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Dr. Gahan to Present Work at 'The Synthetic Biology Future Meeting' This Week.

11 Mar 2014

Dr. Cormac Gahan, senior lecturer in Microbiology within the School of Pharmacy is to present his work on ‘BioMedical Applications in Synthetic Microbiology’ at an international conference on ‘The Synthetic Biology Future’ to be held in Cork on Thursday 13th March 2014. The conference will feature some of the world’s leading scientists and entrepreneurs in the field of Synthetic Biology to discuss the opportunities and challenges that exist within this exciting new field.

Synthetic biology is an emerging field that combines engineering principles with biology to create useful biological systems with biotechnological or therapeutic applications. The field was galvanised by the recent creation of a synthetic microorganism (Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0)at the J Craig Venter Institute in the US that demonstrated the potential for this field to produce drug and vaccine delivery systems based upon synthetic life. Dr, Gahan will describe work carried out within the School of Pharmacy, School of Microbiology and Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre that uses controlled engineering of microorganisms to investigate applications in therapeutic drug delivery, vaccine delivery and gastrointestinal metabolism.

More on The Synthetic Biology Future Meeting:

Twitter: @sbxlr8r

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
