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Annual School of Pharmacy Assembly held 5 October 2022

12 Oct 2022

School of Pharmacy held its annual assembly on 5 October 2022.  This packed agenda included a presentation from Kate O’Flaherty BSc Pharm, Principal Officer at the Department of Health, Ireland in Population Health Screening in the Department of Health. 

During her career, Ms. O’Flaherty has undertaken several roles including Director of Health and Wellbeing Programme at the Department of Health, Head of Communications and Pharmacy Practice Development with the PSI and Health Writer with the Sunday Tribune Newspaper. She also chaired the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) Subgroup on Behavioural Change during the recent Covid-19 pandemic. The focus of this talk was Because it matters – your health and wellbeing as a Pharmacy student. This very inspiring presentation demonstrated for guests the many facets and opportunities presented to Pharmacy graduates.

This was followed by the Athena Swan award.  This School of Pharmacy award is for the student(s) whom other students feel best promotes a culture of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within the student body.  The awardees are nominated by their peers via a nomination process which was run through the Student Pharmacy Society. The award was initiated in 2018 to raise awareness for the School’s EDI values and the School’s Athena Swan Bronze Award, which was renewed in 2022. Grainne Barrett received this award on behalf of the Pharm Soc who were to 2020 21 recipients.  The 2021 22 award was given to Siobhan Nestor. 

Assembly finished up with an integrated Ask Me Anything session where students posed questions to staff on many topics, some of which included securing part time work, promotion through the pharmacy career ranks, international travel and the Pharmacy degree and why SOP staff chose Pharmacy as their career.  This exchange of insight and tips was honest, humorous and insightful.

School Assembly Photo Gallery


School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
