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Anna Ni Raghallaigh was awarded one of the Peel Memorial Prizes 2018 for her contribution to student life within the University.

23 Sep 2019

To be eligible to apply for this award, a student must have received first class honours in their degree and both academic distinctions and the part played in the public life of the University are taken into consideration in choosing the winner. 

Anna was Finance and Sponsorship Officer of UCC Pharmacy Society for the academic year 2016/2017, and the Pharmacy Society was awarded Best Financial Management of a Society for that year. Following on from this, Anna was elected Finance and Sponsorship Officer for the UCC Societies’ Executive for the academic year 2017/2018. The Societies’ Executive oversees the running of over 100 societies within UCC.  Pictured is Anna with Professor Stephen Byrne on the presentation of her cheque.

School of Pharmacy


Pharmacy Building Room UG06 University College Cork
