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2020 News

Donation of the Book of Lismore to UCC

28 Oct 2020

The Book of Lismore, Leabhar Méig Carthaigh Riabhaigh, one of the most remarkable Irish manuscripts, and one of the very few remaining in private possession, has been donated to University College Cork by the Chatsworth Settlement Trust.

The manuscript is an anthology of tales compiled at Kilbrittain Castle towards the end of the 15th century for Fínghean Mac Carthaigh (d. 1505) and his wife Caitilín. It had the status of house-book at the Castle, and contains, as an addition, an important text explaining Fínghean's right to the be chief of the Clann Charthaigh Riabhach. The Book of Lismore will be important to the Department of Modern Irish as a teaching and research resource in the areas of language, literature, palaeography and codicology.


Department of Modern Irish

Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge

Áras Uí Rathaille, UCC
