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HR Research Interviewing


What to do:

1. Organise a reduced board of assessors (PI and at least one other with knowledge of the post/research area)

2. Retain a record at local level of how decisions were made at short-listing and interview, in the event of a candidate requesting feedback

3. Conduct a reference check on the candidate being nominated for appointment

4. Advise unsuccessful candidates of the outcome

5. Let the successful candidate know they have been recommended for appointment and that they will be contacted by HR regarding a formal offer of appointment


Suggested email wording:

Reference Request email: Reference Request email example

Email to unsuccessful candidates following interview Non Successful Candidates following interview email

Email to reserve candidates following interview Reserve Candidates Post Interview  


Discussions on salary should not take place until the recommended salary has been fully approved in accordance with University Policy on Research Salary Guidelines.

Department of Human Resources - HR Research

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
