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Funding Calls

Future Humanities Interdisciplinary Research Funding Scheme

21 Sep 2023
Happening On 01/12/2023

Deadline 1/12/23 Outcome 1/2/24

The Interdisciplinary Research Funding Scheme provides support for interdisciplinary research initiatives led by researchers wishing to align with the Future Humanities Institute (FHI). The call is open to all CACSSS Researchers.

Informed by the need to respond to emerging and changing societal challenges locally and globally, and in recognition of the value and importance of the Humanities and Social Sciences in this endeavour, this seed-funding scheme is aimed at bottom-up initiatives aligned with the UCC Futures Areas based in the College (specifically Future Humanities Institute). This scheme will prioritise collaborative interdisciplinary work led by Social Science/Arts and Humanities researchers working with partners outside our College across the UCC Futures Areas.

Applications for this fund are invited to apply, using the relevant application form. Applicants may apply for up to €3000, and there will be a limited number of awards.

Applications to be submitted electronically with all required signatures to


    1. Project teams led by permanent and fixed-term academic staff from Schools, Departments and Disciplines in Schedule 1 of the College Rules are eligible to apply.
    2. Costs may be sought for expenditure on travel for conference attendance or network development, conference support or management, archival research, equipment purchase, publication or dissemination costs, or other such costs as an applicant may appropriately justify in relation to the terms of the scheme.
    3. Applications for the funds will be assessed by a panel convened jointly by Future Humanities Institute and Collective Social Futures. Applications will be evaluated on a competitive basis according to the following criteria.

      Excellence of qualifying research project 25
      Excellence of proposed research team 25
      Clarity of definition of interdisciplinary innovation 25
      Quality of response to societal challenges 25
    4. Applications must be supported by the relevant Heads of School and must be submitted on the appropriate application form. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
    5. Announcements of the awards will be made in February 2024. Any funding which is granted must be expended and claimed by 30 September 2024.
    6. For approved grants, an expense claim must be submitted through Agresso. Expenditure must be vouched, including proofs of payment.

Deadline for applications 1st December 2023. ·

Future Humanities Institute

Institiúid na nDaonnachtaí Feasta

O’Rahilly Building ORB 2.20.,
