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Heroines, Theories, Translations

5 Mar 2019

a Festschrift and conference for Angela Ryan

The Council Room, UCC - National University of Ireland, Cork

8 mars / March 2019

10.00 – 16.30

suivi d'une réception / followed by a reception: The Common Room, UCC 17.00




Dr Angela Ryan (UCC)

Awaiting the Sixth Mass Extinction: acute issues in writing and culture / En attendant la sixième grande extinction : questions essentielles pour la littérature et la culture

Professor Paul Hegarty (Nottingham)

Feminist Revolutionary: Olympe de Gouges and the Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne (1791)

Pause déjeuner / lunch


Professor Jane Conroy (Galway)

The perils of polyglottal/polylectal prose: on translating 18th-century travel writing.

Professor Naomi Segal (Birkbeck)

Pests, parasites or faithful bigamists:  principles, pleasures and realities of translating psychoanalysis

Margot Spencer (UCC)

Interpreting for a diversified Ireland: Angela Ryan's citizen-values and methodologies in current community interpretation.

Professor Antoine Compagnon (College de France, Columbia)

Tu Marcellus eris


Grâce à l’aimable soutien de / With thanks to the Department of French SLLC, UCC (Head of Department Dr Patrick Crowley)

All welcome, please notify attendance to


Department of French

Room 1.22 Block A, First Floor, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork
