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A critical conversation on the United Nation’s alleged sexual abuse problem - online event via Teams on Tuesday, February 7, at 1 pm.

3 Feb 2023

Louisa Esther Mugabo (UCC) will speak with Joshua Craze, a researcher and reporter on South Sudan. 

In September last year, together with journalists Sam Mednick and Paisley Odds, he published the damning results of a year-long investigation in the UN-run refugee camp Malakal, South Sudan (The New Humanitarian & Al Jazeera):

"Accounts of abuse began trickling in shortly after the camp opened in late 2013, but the scale of abuse has grown, according to aid workers, camp residents, and victims interviewed by The New Humanitarian and Al Jazeera, as well as analysis of UN and NGO documents."

We will talk about this most recent scandal of sexual abuse in a refugee camp, recurring themes of sexual abuse in the aid sector, the UN's response to the issue, and the nature and ethics of such difficult investigations in war times.

Please read the main findings (attached or online) in preparation for the event and come with your questions. The other two shorter articles provide additional information on the institutional issue.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Department of French

Room 1.22 Block A, First Floor, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork
