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The Puttnam Scholars Begin Production

10 May 2022
From left to right: Lady Patsy Puttnam, Dr Ciara Chambers (Head of the Department of Film & Screen Media), Callum Casey, Naoise McGuinness, Amano Miura, Matt Corrigan, Alex Brady, Lord David Puttnam, Aoibh Kingston, Benjamin Rupprecht and Debismita Dutta.

The Puttnam Scholars Begin Production

After a brainstorming session at Hayfield Manor, the Puttnam Scholars have commenced pre-production on their scholarship project. The Scholars have recently completed a seminar programme under the tutelage of Oscar-winning film producer Lord David Puttnam and also received expert guidance from Lady Patsy Puttnam on how to make an effective short film. Their creative skills will now be put to the test as they work together to produce an original film which will premiere at the Cork International Film Festival in November.  

Department of Film and Screen Media

Scannánaíocht agus Meáin Scáileán

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
