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The Final Year Students of the Department of Film & Screen Media proudly present the FOSCARS 2023

3 May 2023

On April 14th, 2023, I had the privilege to host a momentous event, the Film and Screen Media Oscar Awards, more commonly referred to as the FOSCARS. Here we saw all the final year films, which we were delighted to watch collectively. These films were a display of the impeccable skills that we had honed over the years, and it was an extraordinary moment to witness all our hard work pay off!

The films that were screened during the FOSCARS event were nothing short of remarkable. As a group of students, we were brought together to celebrate the talent and dedication that each student had poured into their final year film projects. It was truly an incredible experience to watch the films on the big screen, where they were showcased in all their glory, captivating the audience with their nuanced stories, unique visual styles, and incredible technical skills. Furthermore, it was heart-warming to see department faculty attend the event, as they have had so much influence on our college careers. Therefore, sharing one last moment with them was so special.

The FOSCARS event was not just an impromptu gathering, but it was meticulously planned for several weeks prior. As the final year Entertainments Rep, I wanted an event like no other. This being the first-ever student awards within the Film and Screen Media department, I was committed to making it a memorable event that would leave a lasting impact on everyone in attendance.

To ensure that the FOSCARS lived up to the hype, several tasks had to be undertaken, including designing brochures, photoshopping Hollywood stars, booking the auditorium, and transforming the venue into a setting worthy of an award itself. Although it was a big undertaking, especially during exam season, I loved every moment of the planning process, and I knew that it would all be worth it in the end.

During the awards ceremony, we had the opportunity to vote in various categories, in a manner like the Oscars, with awards being presented to the most deserving student filmmakers. The categories included best costume, set design, soundtrack, editing, cinematography, supporting actor, actor, screenplay, director, and of course, best picture. The level of competition was fierce, with some films taking home multiple awards. Nonetheless, there was no animosity between any of the student groups, as we all recognized that we had helped each other in one way or another during the filmmaking process, and one person's success was a triumph for all. I would be over the moon if the FOSCARS became an annual event and I cannot wait to see all the success that comes my fellow filmmakers’ ways.

Article written by Emily Terri Shannon.

Department of Film and Screen Media

Scannánaíocht agus Meáin Scáileán

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
