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The Department of Film and Screen Media COVID-19 Information Page

20 Aug 2020

We are looking forward to welcoming you back to the Department of Film and Screen Media on 28th September 2020. Here is some information you should know.


For the health and safety of students, staff and their families, it has been decided that all core curriculum for Semester 1 modules will be delivered online and we hope that public health guidelines will allow us to return to campus in Semester 2. As circumstances are evolving on an ongoing basis, it is essential that you regularly read your university emails and keep up to date with Canvas announcements.   

Dates and Timetabling:

Information for Incoming First Years

Timetable for Second Year

Timetable for Third Year


Responsibilities of the Student 


While sanitation points will be available on campus, each student is required to bring their own face mask and hand sanitiser when using the FSM labs and to follow guidelines on hand washing, cough etiquette and social distancing at all times: 


  • Wash hands regularly & correctly. Sanitise hands when entering and exiting buildings. 
  • Practice good respiratory hygiene by ensuring that the mouth and nose are covered with a tissue or sleeve when coughing and sneezing. 
  • Dispose of used tissues into a bin and wash hands. 
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. 
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth if hands are not clean. 
  • Wash hands before eating or putting anything near the face such as scarf, cigarettes, face masks and food. 
  • There should be no hand shaking. 
  • Maintain a social distance of 2m from other students and staff.  
  • Face masks should be worn at all times indoors on campus.  


--- Students are not to come to college if they are showing signs and symptoms of Covid – 19. 

--- Students must not come to college if they have come in contact with a confirmed case of Covid – 19 or are awaiting results of a suspected case of Covid - 19. 


It is advised that students keep updated by accessing the latest information at:  


It is also recommended that students download the COVID Tracker app for the purposes of contact tracing:  


Some FAQs  

What are the arrangements for my minor subject? 


Each Department has its own protocols and teaching provision; it is essential that you consult the web pages and/or programme coordinator of your minor subject so that you are aware of their mode of delivery for the coming academic year.  


I intend to come on campus to use the labs, but I have recently travelled to another country. Will I have to restrict my movement before coming to campus? 


If you are arriving to Ireland from another country, you are expected to self-isolate for 14 days, unless the country from which you are travelling in on the green list. Please see Health Service Executive (HSE) guidelines here:


Procedures for use of the labs will be provided to you in advance of the opening of campus. 


Is practical filmmaking still possible? 


Yes, it is still possible to make films while maintaining health and safety and distancing guidelines. You can view some of the films that our students have made during the pandemic HERE 


Further information and instruction on H&S practices and procedures for filming will be provided to you before filmmaking begins. 


I am in a high-risk category, am I required to come to campus? 


No, a provision will be made for you to access lectures and associated learning materials online. You should discuss your individual circumstances with the relevant year coordinator.  


Will I be able to access the labs to work on my practical coursework?  


Yes. The Film and Screen Media labs will be open and available for limited use from 28th September. Students are expected to bring their own masks and wear these at all times. More information will be provided on safe use of the labs before this time.


If you have other queries, address them to the relevant year co-ordinator:

First year: Barry Monahan 

Second year: Laura Rascaroli

Third year: Dan O'Connell

MA: Laura Rascaroli

PhD: Abigail Keating


General queries should be addressed to:

Department of Film and Screen Media

Scannánaíocht agus Meáin Scáileán

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
