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Out of Frame – Round 3: The Lord Puttnam Scholarship

10 Jan 2024

OUT OF FRAME - Round 3: The Lord Puttnam Scholarship


Out of Frame is a monthly film talk upstairs in the Roundy. Each session, three Cork filmmakers, are invited to present some of their work, followed by an interview and open Q&A.

This December session focused on UCC’s Lord Puttnam Scholarship and featured three scholars from the 2022 and 2023 group: Alex Pacino Brady, Rachel Gough and Sarah Jessica Dunne. The evening was hosted by Out of Frame’s founder and Puttnam Scholar himself, Benjamin Rupprecht. After screening some of their individual short films, Benjamin interviewed each of the three scholars about their projects and career after their college degree and the scholarship. Rachel gave an insight into her PhD research at the UCC Film and Screen Media Department and her work as a fiction writer. Sarah shared her experiences as the marketing officer of the 2023 Cork International Film Festival. Alex gave a detailed presentation of his youth work with the Kabin and his projects as a music producer. In the second half of the evening, both scholarship films, "Hyphen” (2022) and “Close Shave” (2023), were shown to the audience, followed by an open discussion round between Rachel, Sarah, Alex and Benjamin, as well as 2022 scholar Aoibh Kingston. The five scholars talked about their participation in the six personal seminars by  David Puttnam, looked back at their experiences during the short film shootings as well as the challenges they met on the way and shared what they learned for their future projects and career. They finished the round with some open advice and recommendations to the next Puttnam scholarship group as well as every other aspiring short filmmaker.

Photos of the event can be viewed here.

Department of Film and Screen Media

Scannánaíocht agus Meáin Scáileán

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
