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MA Screening next Monday 12 February at 17:30 in the FSM Auditorium

9 Feb 2024

The Department of Film & Screen Media is proud to present a selection of films produced by our MA Film & Screen Media Class of 2023, thesis by creative practice, at 17:30 on Monday 12 February in the Film & Screen Media Auditorium, Kane Building (b10b). Please see below for more information. All very welcome to attend.


field, directed by Dervla Baker

(runtime 33 mins)

field is a self-reflexive documentary that explores the environmental concerns of biodiversity and climate mitigation on a local scale. Centred on an old dump, and marshland, near Mayfield in the Northern suburbs of Cork, it weaves its way through multiple perspectives to discuss how meaning is placed on landscape.

Shell, directed by Elena Binnig

(runtime 21 mins)

A fictional short about a young couple's relationship, depression, and a shared yet different experience. Capturing fragmented moments from everyday life Shell plays with perspective, the inside and the outside, the body and the mind.

Without Story, directed by Lawrence Cook

(runtime 31 mins)

A Russian politician and businessman's cryptic science-fiction war story is placed in an eerie relationship with archival footage of recent events.

The Voyeur, directed by Aoibh Foynes

(runtime 10 mins)

Inspired by a quote from Margaret Atwood's novel The Robber Bride, this film explores the voyeurism present in a woman's life through the presence of a small animated creature who constantly watches her.

Followed by a reception. All very welcome.

Department of Film and Screen Media

Scannánaíocht agus Meáin Scáileán

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
