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Laura Aguiar (QUB) on WE WERE THERE

18 Mar 2014

Tuesday 25 March at 17h, Windle Auditorium. All Welcome.

Film and Screen Media Research Seminar Series
Date: Tuesday 25 March at 17h
Venue: Film and Screen Media Auditorium, Windle building
Presentation by filmmaker and PhD researcher, Laura Aguiar, Queen’s University Belfast
“We Were There (2014, co-directed, Laura Aguiar): The Women of the Maze and Long Kesh Prison: Collaborative Film Editing in Transitional Northern Ireland”
Laura Aguiar’s practice-based research is about giving visibility to women’s experiences of war and prisons through collaborative filmmaking. She has worked with the project Prisons Memory Archive ( and its participants to make the 60min linear documentary film We Were There. The film addresses the women’s experiences of the Maze and Long Kesh Prison and includes stories from family members (of prisoners and staff) and from those who worked in the prison (probation workers, teachers and a visual artist). The film will premiere on the 31st March at the Belfast Film Festival.
This presentation offers a critical reflection of the process of working with the PMA and with its female participants in transitional Northern Ireland, where political sensitivities and patriarchal ideologies are very much alive.
All Welcome

Department of Film and Screen Media

Scannánaíocht agus Meáin Scáileán

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
