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Call for papers: 2nd Symposium of the Irish Audiences Network. 5th April UCC

11 Jan 2019

Call for papers: 2nd Symposium of the Irish Audiences Network
“Exploring cinema-going past and present: memory, cultures, place”

Date: April 5, 2019
Venue: Department of Film and Screen Media, University College Cork

The recently established Irish Audiences Research Network provides a forum for the dissemination of research in the area of audience studies (encompassing all media) and aims to foster partnerships between individuals and institutions. The Department of Media Studies at Maynooth University hosted our inaugural symposium in December 2018 and we now invite proposals for papers for our second symposium, which will be held at University College Cork on April 5, 2019. This one-day symposium will specifically focus on research into the area of cinema-going experiences and histories of cinema (locations; sites) in any context (not limited to Ireland)We are delighted to welcome presentations by:

- Daniela Treveri Gennari (Oxford Brookes University and Coordinator of the HoMER research network; co-editor of the recent collection, Rural Cinema Exhibition and Audiences in a Global Context, Palgrave, 2018)

- Jamie Terrill (PhD candidate at Aberystwyth University, working on an AHRC project on cinemas in rural Wales)

We invite papers that engage with and showcase your research on any or all of the following topics:

Cinema sites (histories of individual cinemas/ theatres)
Case studies of cinema/cinema-going in rural communities
Case studies of cinema/cinema-going in cities/urban spaces
Cinema-going and the State
Private /Public memory & histories
Memory and nostalgia
Methodological approaches and research challenges
Oral histories: approaches and challenges
Innovations in research dissemination
New directions in cinema-going/exhibition spaces

Abstracts should be 200 words and should be submitted on or before February 18th to symposium organisers, Daniel O’Connell and Gwenda Young (University College Cork), at

Papers should be no more than 15 minutes in duration (to include clips)

Symposium Fee:

- 20euro (waged; to include tea/coffee; light lunch)
- 15euro (unwaged/student; to include tea/coffee; light lunch)

Follow us on Twitter @AudiencesIrish

Department of Film and Screen Media

Scannánaíocht agus Meáin Scáileán

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
