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An Evening with Gerard Stembridge, Tue 1st March, 6.15pm.

24 Feb 2016
An Evening with Gerard Stembridge.

Join us for an evening with UCC Film Artist in Residence, Gerard Stembridge, Tuesday 1st March @6.15pm, in the Windle Film and Screen Media Auditorium. All Welcome to attend.

Born in Limerick, Gerard Stembridge is an acclaimed writer/director of films and theatre, a novelist and a prolific writer for radio [including the influential, Scrap Saturday]. Award-winning film work includes GuiltripAbout Adam; and Alarm. For theatre, he has directed his plays Lovechild; and The Gay Detective; as well as a version of Lennox Robinson’s The Whiteheaded Boy

Gerard is also an accomplished novelist whose work incudes According to Luke; Counting Down; and Unspoken. His most recent novel, The Effect of Her, was published in the summer of 2013. 

Department of Film and Screen Media

Scannánaíocht agus Meáin Scáileán

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
