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Strong CPPU Team at ENVIRON 2016 in Limerick, IE

25 Mar 2016

CPPU had a strong representation at the 26th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, ENVIRON 2016, held in Limerick, Ireland 22-24 March, with five participants delivering five oral presentations and two poster presentations on its ENTRUST and NewTREND H2020 projects.

The ENVIRON colloquium is one of Ireland’s largest and longest running gatherings of researchers engaging with environmental issues. Over 300 delegates attend this leading event every year. In addition, the interdisciplinary nature of the colloquium and its associated workshops help to foster cross-disciplinary, interactive, knowledge transfer between scientists, engineers, industry members and policy makers. The colloquium was formally opened on the morning of Wednesday the 23rd of February by Professor Don Barry, President of University of Limerick after a day of workshops on topics such as Facilitating reproducible statistical analysis in the Environmental Sciences, and Maximising and Assessing Research Impact.  Prof. John O’Halloran of UCC was one of the keynote speakers. 

ENTRUST related contributions:

Breffní Lennon gave a talk on 23 March entitled ‘Examining the New Energy Paradigm: Ireland, the Energy Transition and the Wider European Experience’ within the energy section of the conference. On the following day Christine Gaffney spoke on ‘Engaging Communities for the Sustainable Energy Transition’ within a section on Environmental Policy, Communication and Socioeconomics.  Considerable discussion was generated with each paper, with delegates from across various disciplines, along with industry representatives, engaging with the presenters and the themes explored in each presentation. A poster presentation outlining the key themes of the ENTRUST project was also presented at the colloquium.

NewTREND related contributions:

On 23 March delivered a talk on “Developing a participatory integrated design process involving occupants and users in the design process of energy retrofit” wherein he presented an overline of the work being undertaken with NewTREND on participatory processes; later that day building on work within both the UMBRELLA FP7 project and the NewTREND H2020 project, Paul O'Connor spoke about "Incentivising Energy-Efficient Building: A Framework for Developing New Business Models". On the following day Rosemarie MacSweeney gave a talk suggesting "How social science could help usher in a new era in energy efficient urban building construction and renovation design practices."  As above, a poster presentation was also presented at the colloquium giving an overview of the NewTREND project with a focus on occupant invovlement in the design process.



Contribution details:

Gaffney C, Meade K & Dunphy NP (2016). Engaging Communities for the Sustainable Energy Transition.  Paper presented at the 26th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Limerick, Ireland  22-24 March 2016.

Lennon B & Dunphy NP (2016). Examining the New Energy Paradigm: Ireland, the Energy Transition and the wider European Experience. Paper presented at the 26th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Limerick, Ireland  22-24 March 2016.

Dunphy NP, Mullally G, Connolly L, McCarthy J, Harris C, Lennon B, Gaffney C (2016). Energy System Transition Through Stakeholder Activation. Poster presented at the 26th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Limerick, Ireland  22-24 March 2016.

Dunphy NP & McRae J (2016). Developing a participatory integrated design process involving occupants and users in the design process of energy retrofit. Paper presented at the 26th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Limerick, Ireland  22-24 March 2016.

O'Connor P & Dunphy NP (2016). Incentivising Energy-Efficient Building: A Framework for Developing New Business Models. Paper presented at the 26th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Limerick, Ireland  22-24 March 2016.

MacSweeney RD & Dunphy NP (2016), How social science could help usher in a new era in energy efficient urban building construction and renovation design practices. Paper presented at the 26th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Limerick, Ireland  22-24 March 2016.

Dunphy NP, O'Connor P, McRae J & MacSweeney, RD  (2016). New Integrated Methodology and Tools for Retrofit Design Towards a Next Generation of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Buildings and Districts. Poster presented at the 26th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Limerick, Ireland  22-24 March 2016. 


Cleaner Production Promotion Unit

G.03 Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Lee Road, Cork T23 XE10, Ireland
